For Liferay SaaS workspaces, you will need to assign at least one team member to the following roles:
- Critical Incident Contact
- Security Breach Contact
- Privacy Breach Contact
For AC and Liferay PaaS workspaces, you will need to assign at least one team member to the following role:
- Critical Incident Contact
When completing your AC, Liferay PaaS, or Liferay SaaS activation forms, you will be prompted to assign a user among your existing team members list as the Incident Contact.
If you’ve completed your workspace form without filling out your Incident Contacts and would like to assign a team member to the role, navigate to the Team Members page and navigate to the bottom of the page under Incident Contacts.
All of your appointed Incident Contacts will be displayed at the bottom of your Team Members page.
The incident contacts' phone numbers may be used to notify in case of an incident. If a phone number is missing or outdated, it can be updated by its owner by navigating to the User Menu > Account Settings, in the top right corner of the page. For more information on ow to do that, please refer to How to Change your Liferay Account Contact Information and Password
It’s important to note that when a customer is added as an Incident Contact, they cannot be removed from the list of team members until the Incident Contact is reassigned. Please reassign another team member as the Incident Contact before removing the desired user.