The Documents and Media folder URL is too long and complex. I would like to make it shorter and more user friendly


I use Documents and Media portlet to download files. The URL of the folder where the files are stored is too long and complex and can confuse users who would like to download files. I would like to have the folder URL shorter and friendlier.

Reproduction Steps:

  1. Start DXP 7.4 (any Quarterly Release version).
  2. Go to Content & data → Documents and Media and add a folder.
  3. Click on the folder, copy its URL, and check the URL

Checkpoint: The URL is too long:


     4. Create a subfolder from the previous one and check its URL.

Checkpoint: The URL is longer than the previous one:


    5. Create another subfolder within the previous subfolder and check its URL.

Checkpoint: The URL is longer than the previous ones:


Expected Result: I would like to have a shorter and friendlier folder URL.


  • Liferay DXP 7.4 Quarterly Release


  • The current behavior is expected. A Feature Request is submitted for the Product Team to figure out a solution to make the folder URL shorter and more user-friendly: LPD-18506
  • You can inquire about the status of the request and/or add comments to it at the following Liferay Ask link:
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