Liferay SaaS Performance and Penetration Test - Advanced Notice

Note: please note that Liferay has renamed its Liferay Experience Could offerings to Liferay SaaS (formerly LXC) and Liferay PaaS (formerly LXC-SM).

Customer-Initiated Security Testing

When performance and/or penetration testing is performed, it can appear to Liferay that an attack is being executed against a customer environment.

Please observe the following policies regarding customer-initiated testing for Liferay SaaS below:

  • Liferay SaaS Extensions environment: customers may conduct security penetration and stress testing.
  • Liferay SaaS DXP environment: customers are disallowed from running DoS (stress/load) testing. Customers may conduct security penetration testing only if:
    1. The customer has the Dedicated Resources add-on, AND
    2. They have prior approval from Liferay.

Please request approval for penetration testing at least 15 days in advance of the testing window. You can submit the request by opening a support ticket on Help Center and providing the following information:

  • Time and duration of the test.
  • Source IP addresses from which the testing will be executed.
  • Target domains or IP addresses (scope).
  • Test type(s).

Additional Information

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