LCD-39180 - Number of Builds Consumed Per Day: Added the number of builds consumed per day to the plan consumption section on Plans and Usage page. Users will now be able to easily monitor their build usage and avoid exceeding their plan quota.
LCD-39186 - Added Database Volume to Storage Calculation: The storage calculation now factors in both the database and Document Library, making it easier than ever to understand the total storage usage for each environment.
Bug Fixes
LCD-20845 - Deployment in Progress Bug: Fixed an issue where the container starts but the deployment doesn't complete.
LCD-36037 - Changed Default Executors to 1: Reduced the number of executors to 1, meaning all builds will be processed serially. This was done to lower the likelihood of build failures due to memory constraints, we will be working towards making the CI service more efficient in the future.
LCD-40892 - Cloud Memory Metrics Bug: Fixed an issue where the Cloud Memory Metrics wasn't displaying the last memory value.