Liferay offers many products which help our customers unify customer experiences, transform business operations and evolve digital strategies. Many of these products have a release cycle and fix delivery method different than Liferay Digital Experience Platform (DXP) or Liferay Portal EE. Unless otherwise noted in the specific product support coverage, product defects are resolved through emergency fixes for Liferay DXP, Liferay Portal EE, or Liferay Commerce ("the product"). Some of these products have a compatibility matrix specific to the product. Please reference the specific product for details.
Developer Tools and Frameworks
Developer Tools and Frameworks includes Liferay Developer Studio, BLADE, Liferay Workspace, Liferay Faces and Maven. Subscription Services offers guidance in Developer Tools configuration and helps facilitate an interaction with the Development Tools product team. Intended behavior is determined by Developer Tools official documentation. Issues determined to be product defects may be resolved through configurations and new product releases. Liferay does not guarantee a resolution will be present in the next available release.
Liferay Developer Studio
Subscription Services is only able to offer guidance and interaction with the Developer Studio product team if the product is being used in a compatible environment. Please see the Compatibility Matrix below to ensure that the product is being utilized with a compatible version of the product and a compatible third-party application server.
Since utilizing Liferay BLADE tools and samples is heavily dependent on custom code, it is important to review the Customizations coverage and the Liferay API coverage prior to reporting any issues with Liferay BLADE tools.
Liferay Workspace
Since utilizing the Liferay Workspace is heavily dependent on custom code, it is important to review the Customizations coverage and the Liferay API coverage prior to reporting any issues with Liferay Workspace.
Liferay Faces
Liferay Faces is an open source project that improves interoperability between JavaServer™ Faces (JSF) and Liferay DXP or Liferay Portal EE.
Since the implementation of Liferay Faces is heavily dependent on custom code, it is important to review the Customizations coverage and the Liferay API coverage prior to reporting any issues with Liferay Faces.
Please reference the Faces Compatibility Matrix to ensure that the product is being utilized with a compatible version of Liferay DXP or Liferay Portal EE.
Liferay Maven Plugin
Since utilizing the Liferay Maven Plugin is heavily dependent on custom code, it is important to review the Customizations coverage and the Liferay API coverage prior to reporting any issues with Liferay Maven Plugin.
Liferay npm SDK
Using the Liferay npm SDK and samples is heavily dependent on custom code. It is important to review the Customizations coverage article prior to reporting issues. The BLADE npm samples are designed to be the most basic implementation of a particular node package with a Liferay project and demonstrate that the npm SDK is functioning as intended. Issues reported with the npm SDK will be verified through building and deploying the BLADE sample for the reported library. If a particular library is not present in the BLADE samples repository, then Subscription Services is not required to offer assistance or create a proof of concept for that library.
Liferay Enterprise Search
The Liferay Enterprise Search (LES) subscription offers end-to-end support for LES features, including support and licensing for remote installations of Elasticsearch, Monitoring (for Elastic's Kibana), Cross-Cluster Replication, Security, Learning to Rank, and Search Experiences.
Without a Liferay Enterprise Search subscription, Liferay DXP and Liferay Commerce allow for the standalone (production) operation of an Elasticsearch cluste (single node or multiple nodes). This implementation is covered in the Search and Indexing Support Coverage.
For all Liferay customers who have purchased a Liferay Enterprise Search offering, the following coverage applies:
Defining Coverage
Subscription Services will assist with product defects, installation, usage and basic configuration. The product is defined as software created by Liferay or software created by Elastic which is embedded, integrated, or bundled with Liferay software and included as part of the LES offering.
Issues deemed to be product defects may be resolved through configuration, a new release of the product or emergency snapshot fixes. The official documentation determines the intended functionality of the product.
General guidance and documentation on the installation, usage and configuration of Liferay Enterprise Search software will be provided for the product (a) given that the product is being used in a compatible environment (as documented in the LES Compatibility Matrix) and (b) given that the product is being used as part of a remote Elasticsearch cluster integrated with Liferay DXP.
The Liferay Enterprise Search subscription does not include assistance for advanced configuration, such as specific performance tuning values or architectural assistance for the Elasticsearch cluster, questions or requests related to customization, code development or new feature implementation. Additionally, the LES subscription does not include coverage for Elasticsearch issues that do not affect Liferay DXP search or Liferay Enterprise Search features. Such issues may relate to connecting the Elasticsearch cluster with external, non-Liferay applications, or they may be related to Elastic software that is not specifically included in the Liferay Enterprise Search features, for example Logstash, Beats or APM.
Compatible Versions
Please see the LES Compatibility Matrix.
For more details on the service life of specific versions, please consult the following page: Liferay Enterprise Search End of Life.
Marketplace Applications
Because Liferay Marketplace Applications are introduced to the marketplace by Liferay, they are covered as part of the Marketplace End User License Agreement. In order to purchase an application, the user must accept the End User License Agreement and Terms of Service. The End User License Agreement can be viewed through a link available on the right hand side of the Marketplace Application page (between the "Support" and "Report Abuse" links).
The resolution of reported issues concerning Liferay Marketplace Applications will be determined by the Product Defects coverage unless other coverage for that specific application has been articulated. The resolution of reported issues may come in the form of configuration change, snapshot releases or new releases.
- Snapshot Releases: When a customer reports an issue with a Liferay Marketplace Application, Liferay will provide a snapshot release for an issue until a new release is available. Snapshot releases will include the fix for the reported issue as well as previous committed fixes to the Maintenance Branch. Snapshot releases are not tested with the same Quality Assurance process as a regular release.
- New Releases: New releases are updated versions of Liferay Marketplace Applications that are released on the marketplace and include all fixes committed to the Maintenance Branch. New Releases will go through a full Quality Assurance release cycle before being introduced on the marketplace.
Support Service Level for Liferay Marketplace Applications shall be in accordance with the subscription level purchased as part of the Liferay Enterprise Subscription.
Liferay Marketplace Application Release Schedule
The release schedule for Liferay Marketplace Apps is determined by the Liferay product team responsible for that application. There is no established timeline for application releases. Release schedules vary for each application and are determined on a case-by-case basis using factors such as the quality of the maintenance branch, the severity of previously resolved issues, the quantity of previously resolved issues and customer demand.
Lab Applications
Lab applications are introduced to Liferay Marketplace by Liferay and are available for use with the product. Subscription Services does not offer assistance, guidance or product resolutions for Lab Applications. The installation and usage of a Liferay Marketplace Lab Application is the responsibility of the customer.
Third-Party Applications
Liferay minimally verifies the integrity of third-party applications distributed through Liferay Marketplace. The installation and configuration of third-party applications distributed through Liferay Marketplace is the responsibility of the customer. Any unintended behaviors or issues discovered with a third-party application distributed through Liferay Marketplace should be reported to the vendor through the Support link on the marketplace application page. The resolution of any issues with the product discovered while utilizing third-party applications distributed through Liferay Marketplace will be determined by the Customizations and the Third-Party Technologies coverage articles.
Mobile Experience
Important Notes
- Liferay Screens was deprecated with the release of Liferay DXP 7.3 and removed with the release of Liferay DXP 7.4.
- Liferay Push was deprecated with the release of Liferay DXP 7.3.
- Liferay Mobile SDK was deprecated with the release of Liferay DXP 7.3 and removed with the release of Liferay DXP 7.4. Mobile SDK has been replaced with Headless Delivery.
For more information about the support coverage for deprecated and removed feature please see Maintenance Mode and Deprecation
For previous versions of Liferay DXP
Liferay Mobile Experience Suite consists of Liferay Screens, Liferay Push, Mobile SDK and the OAuth Provider Plugin. In the event of unintended behavior, Subscription Services can help facilitate an interaction with the Mobile Experience product team if the product is being used in a compatible environment as determined by the Mobile SDK Compatibility Matrix. Intended behavior is determined by the Mobile Experience user guide documentation. If a specific issue is deemed to be unintended behavior, then that issue may be resolved through configuration or a new release of the product.
Liferay does not guarantee a resolution will be present in the next available release. There is no established timeline for Mobile Experience application releases. Release schedules vary for each application and are determined on a case-by-case basis using factors such as the quality of the maintenance branch, the severity of previously resolved issues, the quantity of previously resolved issues and customer demand.
Liferay Connected Services
Liferay Connected Services (LCS) has been removed with no direct replacement.
Liferay Sync
The Liferay Sync product suite includes: Sync Desktop, Sync Mobile and Sync Connector.
Compatible Version Information
- Starting with Liferay DXP 7.3, Liferay Sync and the Liferay Sync Client are deprecated: Liferay may resolve unintended behavior within products, apps or capabilities on a case-by-case basis until the item is archived. For previous versions, items will receive support according to the product service life.
- The Liferay Sync Connector and Liferay Sync End User Clients are governed by the Liferay Sync End of Life Policy.
Sync Desktop
Subscription Services offers end user support, administrator support and helps facilitate an interaction with the Sync product team according to the Sync Desktop Service Life Policy. Subscription Services is only able to offer guidance and interaction with the Sync product team if the product is being used in a compatible environment as determined by the Sync Compatibility Matrix. Intended behavior is determined by the Sync user guide documentation. If a specific issue is deemed to be unintended, that issue may be resolved through configuration, a new release of the product or emergency snapshot fixes.
Sync Mobile
Subscription Services offers end user and administrator support, and helps facilitate an interaction with the Sync product team according to the Sync Desktop Service Life Policy. Subscription Services is only able to offer guidance and interaction with the Sync product team if the product is being used in a compatible environment as determined by the Sync Compatibility Matrix. Intended behavior is determined by the Sync user guide documentation. If a specific behavior is deemed to be unintended, that issue may be resolved through configuration or a new release of the product. Subscription Services does not guarantee a resolution will be present in the next release available after a reported issue.
Sync Connector
Subscription Services is only able to facilitate an interaction with the Sync product team according to the Sync Desktop Service Life Policy if the product is being used in a compatible environment as determined by the Sync Compatibility Matrix. Intended behavior is determined by the Sync user guide documentation. If a specific issue is deemed to be unintended, that issue may be resolved through configuration, a new release of the product or emergency snapshot fixes.
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