Liferay Portal Enterprise Edition (EE) is only supported under the following configurations:
Type | Certified | Supported |
Application Server |
Database |
Operating System |
Desktop Browser* |
Mobile Browser** |
Cloud Services |
For more information on configurations and limitations with Application Servers and Databases that are compatible with Liferay Portal, please refer to the Liferay User Guide.
Certified vs. Supported Environments
1. Certified: Products in the Certified list have undergone automated regression and certification testing by Liferay and are fully supported with a Liferay Enterprise Subscription.
2. Supported: Products in the Supported list have undergone automated regression testing by Liferay and are fully supported with a Liferay Enterprise Subscription.
*Browser Support Exclusions:
1. Versions of browsers that were released after a major Liferay version release have not been tested and support for these newer browser releases will be provided as commercially reasonable effort only and may be included in subsequent service releases at Liferay’s discretion.
2. Versions of browsers that were supported with an initial release of a Liferay version that have reached the end of their product lifecycle are no longer tested in subsequent service release and support for those older browser releases will be provided as a commercially reasonable effort only.
3. “Quirks mode” for all browsers is not supported.
4. Internet Explorer Compatibility modes for all relevant versions are not supported.
5. Limited support shall be provided for Internet Explorer 6 and 7 on a case-by-case basis. Internet Explorer 6 and 7’s performance limitations prohibit them from running the latest Internet technologies effectively without experiencing performance degradation.
**Mobile Browser Support Exclusions:
1. Liferay will support access to information (e.g. reading content and navigation through pages), navigation menus, and basic responsiveness of modules for the latest versions of mobile browsers only. For more information on Liferay’s mobile support policy, please refer to the Liferay Help Center.
***Tomcat 8.5 Support Exclusions:
1. Tomcat 8.5 does not support Liferay Social Office and Liferay Chat because a required API was removed.
2. Tomcat 8.5 is only supported with JDK 8.
Liferay 6.2 Compatibility Matrix: Updated 03/30/2023