Regardless of whether you use the Plugins SDK or your terminal to create hooks,
hooks projects are stored in the Plugins SDK’s hooks
Using Developer Studio:
Go to File → New → Liferay Plugin Project.
Assign a project name and display name. To demonstrate, we’ll use example-hook and Example for the project name and display name, respectively. Notice that upon entering example-hook as the project name, the wizard conveniently inserts Example in grayed-out text as the plugin’s default display name. The wizard derives the default display name from the project name, starts it in upper-case, and leaves off the plugin type suffix Hook because the plugin type is automatically appended to the display name in Liferay Portal. The IDE saves the you from repetitively appending the plugin type to the display name; in fact, the IDE ignores any plugin type suffix if you happen to append it to the display name.
Enter the following values for the project name and display name:
- Project name: example-hook
- Display name: Example
Select the build type, Plugins SDK, and Liferay runtime.
If you select the Maven build type, you’ll be prompted to enter an artifact version, group ID, and active profile for your project. See Using Liferay IDE with Maven for more information. Otherwise, select the Ant build type, a Plugins SDK and a Liferay runtime.
For this demonstration, make the following selections:
- Build type: Ant
- Plugins SDK:
[a configured Plugins SDK]
- Liferay runtime:
[a configured Liferay runtime]
For more information, see sections Installing the SDK and Setting Up Liferay IDE.
Select the Hook Plugin Type.
Click Finish.
Figure 7.1: Creating your hook plugin
The Plugins SDK automatically named the hook by appending “-hook” to the project name. With Developer Studio, you can create a completely new plugin or add a new plugin to an existing plugin project.
Using the terminal: Navigate to your Plugins SDK directory in a terminal and enter the appropriate command for your operating system:
In Linux and Mac OS X, enter
./ example "Example"
In Windows, enter
create.bat example "Example"
A BUILD SUCCESSFUL message from Ant tells you there’s a new folder named
inside the Plugins SDK’s hooks
folder. The Plugins SDK
automatically named the hook by appending “-hook” to the project name.
Now that you’ve created a hook, let’s go ahead and deploy it.
Deploying the Hook
Using Developer Studio: Click and drag your hook project onto your server. Upon deployment, your server displays messages indicating that your hook was read, registered and is now available for use.
Reading plugin package for example-hook
Registering hook for example-hook
Hook for example-hook is available for use
If you ever need to redeploy your plugin while in Developer Studio, right-click your plugin’s icon located underneath your server and select Redeploy.
Using the terminal: Open a terminal window in your hooks/example-hook
directory and enter
ant deploy
A BUILD SUCCESSFUL message indicates your hook is now being deployed. If you switch to the terminal window running Liferay, in a few seconds you should see the message “Hook for example-hook is available for use”.
Next, let’s look at the anatomy of a Liferay hook.
Anatomy of the Hook
To make your hook useful, you need to customize something in Liferay. You begin by mirroring the structure of Liferay’s code that you plan to customize. A hook plugin is built to contain this:
In Developer Studio’s Package Explorer, here’s what the hook structure looks like:
Figure 7.2: Package Explorer view of hook plugin
The particular files you’ll work on depend on what Liferay feature you’re overriding with your hook. Let’s start making hooks for the features developers override the most; web resources are a good place to start.