Liferay’s asset framework is a system that allow you to add common functionality to your application. For example, you might build an event management application that shows a list of upcoming events. It might be nice to be able to tag or categorize those events to provide users with metadata describing more about them. Or you might want to let users comment on events.
This common functionality is what Liferay’s asset framework gives you. Using the power of Liferay’s built-in message boards, tags, and categories, Liferay lets you infuse your application with these features in no time.
The term asset is a generic term referring to any type of content, including text, an external file, a URL, an image, or a record in an online book library. Consequently, when we use the term asset here, we’re referring to some type of Liferay content, like documents, blog entries, bookmarks, wiki pages, or anything you create in your applications.
Here are the features you can reuse thanks to the asset framework:
- Associate tags to custom content types. New tags are created automatically when the author assigns them to the content.
- Associate categories to custom content types. Authors are only allowed to select from predefined categories within several predefined vocabularies.
- Manage tags from the control panel, including merging tags.
- Manage categories from the control panel, including creating complex hierarchies.
- Associate comments with assets.
- Rate assets using a five star rating system.
- Assign social bookmarks to assets, including via tweet, Facebook like, or +1 (Google Plus).
- Add custom fields to assets.
- Relate assets to one another.
- Flag asset content as inappropriate.
- Keep track of the number of visualizations of an asset.
- Integrate workflow with assets.
- Publish your content using the Asset Publisher portlet. Asset Publisher can publish dynamic asset lists or manually selected asset lists. It can also show an asset summary view with a link to the full view. This saves you time, since it likely won’t be necessary to develop custom portlets for your custom content types.
At this point you might be saying, “Asset Framework sounds great; but how do I leverage all these awesome functions?” Excellent question, young padawan, and perfect timing; we couldn’t have said it better ourselves.
We’ll describe the first two briefly here before we dive in head first:
- The first step is mandatory; you must let the framework know whenever one of your custom content entries is added, updated or deleted.
- The second step enables the asset framework in the UI: you can use a set of taglibs to provide widgets that allow authors to enter comments, tags and categories, as well as how to show the entered tags and categories along with the content.
Next let’s dive head first into the first step; informing the Asset Framework when you add, update, or delete assets.
Adding, updating and deleting assets
Whenever you create a new entity, you need to let the Asset Framework know. In
this sense, it’s similar to permission resources. It’s a simple procedure: you
invoke a method of the Asset Framework that adds an AssetEntry
so that Liferay
can keep track of the asset.
Specifically, you should access these methods using either the static methods
of AssetLocalServiceUtil
or an instance of the AssetEntryLocalService
injected by Spring. To simplify this section, we’ll be using the static methods
of AssetLocalServiceUtil
, since it doesn’t require any special setup in your
The method to invoke when one of your custom content entries is added or
updated is the same, and is called updateEntry
. Here’s the full signature:
AssetEntry updateEntry(
long userId, long groupId, String className, long classPK,
String classUuid, long classTypeId, long[] categoryIds,
String[] tagNames, boolean visible, Date startDate, Date endDate,
Date publishDate, Date expirationDate, String mimeType,
String title, String description, String summary, String url,
String layoutUuid, int height, int width, Integer priority,
boolean sync)
throws PortalException, SystemException
Here’s an example of this method’s invocation extracted from the built in blogs portlet:
userId, entry.getGroupId(), BlogsEntry.class.getName(),
entry.getEntryId(), entry.getUuid(), 0, assetCategoryIds,
assetTagNames, visible, null, null, entry.getDisplayDate(), null,
ContentTypes.TEXT_HTML, entry.getTitle(), null, summary, null, null,
0, 0, null, false);
Here’s a quick summary of the most important parameters of this method:
is the identifier of the user who created the content.groupId
identifies the scope of the created content. If your content doesn’t support scopes (extremely rare), just pass0
as the value.className
identifies the type of asset. The recommended convention is to use the name of the Java class that represents your content type, but you can actually use any String you want as long as you are sure that it is unique.classPK
identifies the specific content being created among others of the same type. It’s usually the primary key of the table where the custom content is stored. If you want, you can use the classUuid parameter to specify a secondary identifier; it’s guaranteed to be universally unique. It’s especially useful if your content will be exported and imported across separate portals.assetCategoryIds
represent the categories and tags selected by the author of the content. The Asset Framework will store them for you.visible
specifies whether the content should be shown at all by Asset Publisher.title,
are descriptive fields used by the Asset Publisher when displaying entries of your content type.publishDate
, when specified, tell Asset Publisher it shouldn’t show the content before a given publication date or after a given expiration date, respectively.- All other fields are optional; it won’t always make sense to include them.
parameter should always be false unless you’re doing something very advanced (feel free to look at the code if you’re really curious).
When one of your custom content entries is deleted, you should once again let Asset Framework know. That way it can clean up stored information and make sure that the Asset Publisher doesn’t show any information for the content that has been deleted. The signature of method to delete an asset entry is:
void deleteEntry(String className, long classPK)
Here’s an example invocation extracted again from the blogs portlet:
BlogsEntry.class.getName(), entry.getEntryId());
Now that you can create and modify assets, consider tagging and categorizing them. Let’s tackle that next.
Entering and displaying tags and categories
In the last section we let Asset Framework know about the tags and categories that we associated with a given asset; but how does a content author specify the tags and categories?
Liferay provides a set of JSP tags you can use to make this task very easy. You can put the following Liferay UI tags in your forms to create content that can be associated with new or existing tags or predefined categories:
className="<%= entry.getClass().getName() %>"
classPK="<%= entry.getPrimaryKey() %>"
className="<%= entry.getClass().getName() %>"
classPK="<%= entry.getPrimaryKey() %>"
These two taglibs create appropriate form controls that allow the user to search for a tag or create a new one or select an existing category.
Once the tags and categories have been entered, you’ll want to show them along with the content of the asset. Here’s how to display the tags and categories:
className="<%= entry.getClass().getName() %>"
classPK="<%= entry.getPrimaryKey() %>"
className="<%= entry.getClass().getName() %>"
classPK="<%= entry.getPrimaryKey() %>"
In both JSP tags, you can also specify a portletURL
parameter; each tag that
uses it will be a link containing the portletURL
and tag
or categoryId
parameter value, respectively. This supports tags navigation and categories
navigation within your portlet. You’ll need to implement the look-up
functionality in your portlet code; do this by reading the values of those two
parameters and using the AssetEntryService
to query the database for entries
based on the specified tag or category.
Great job! You’ll have no problem associating tags and categories with your assets. Before we go further with our example, let’s take a look at more JSP tags you can use to leverage Asset Framework’s features.
More JSP tags for assets
In addition to tags and categories, there are more features that Asset Framework provides. These features allow users to do the following with your assets:
- Add comments
- Rate comments of other users
- Rate assets
- Apply social bookmarks (e.g. via tweet, Facebook like, or +1 (Google Plus))
- Relate assets to one another
- Flag content as inappropriate and notify the portal administrator
There are JSP tags, called Liferay UI tags, associated with each feature. You
can find these tags used in the JSPs for Liferay’s built-in portlets (e.g. the
of the Blogs portlet). Here are some examples of the JSP tags
from the Blogs portlet:
Comments and comment ratings:
<portlet:actionURL var="discussionURL"> <portlet:param name="struts_action" value="/blogs/edit_entry_discussion" /> </portlet:actionURL> <liferay-ui:discussion className="<%= BlogsEntry.class.getName() %>" classPK="<%= entry.getEntryId() %>" formAction="<%= discussionURL %>" formName="fm2" ratingsEnabled="<%= enableCommentRatings %>" redirect="<%= currentURL %>" subject="<%= entry.getTitle() %>" userId="<%= entry.getUserId() %>" />
Rate assets:
<liferay-ui:ratings className="<%= BlogsEntry.class.getName() %>" classPK="<%= entry.getEntryId() %>" />
Social Bookmarks:
<liferay-ui:social-bookmarks displayStyle="<%= socialBookmarksDisplayStyle %>" target="_blank" title="<%= entry.getTitle() %>" url="<%= PortalUtil.getCanonicalURL(bookmarkURL.toString(), themeDisplay) %>" />
Related assets:
<liferay-ui:input-asset-links className="<%= BlogsEntry.class.getName() %>" classPK="<%= entryId %>" />
Flag as inappropriate:
<liferay-ui:flags className="<%= BlogsEntry.class.getName() %>" classPK="<%= entry.getEntryId() %>" contentTitle="<%= entry.getTitle() %>" reportedUserId="<%= entry.getUserId() %>" />
With Liferay’s taglib tags, you can easily apply these features to your assets. No problemo, right? So let’s get the assets published in your portal.
Publishing assets with Asset Publisher
A huge benefit of using the asset framework is that you can leverage the Asset Publisher portlet to publish lists of your custom asset types. You can choose to have users specify lists dynamically (e.g., based on the asset tags or categories) or have administrators do it statically.
To display your assets, the Asset Publisher needs to know how to access their metadata. You also need to provide the Asset Publisher templates for the types of views (e.g. full view and abstract view) available to display your assets. You can provide all this to the Asset Publisher by implementing these two interfaces:
: A class that knows how to retrieve specific assets from persistent storage using theclassPK
. TheclassPK
is typically the asset’s primary key, but can be anything you specified to theupdateAsset
method, which you use to add or update the asset. Your factory implementation can grab the asset from agroupId
(identifies a scope of data) and aurlTitle
(a title that can be used in friendly URLs to refer uniquely to the asset within a given scope). Finally, the asset renderer factory can provide a URL for the Asset Publisher to use when a user wants to add a new asset of your custom type. This URL should point to your own portlet. There are other less important methods of the interface, but you can avoid implementing them by extendingBaseAssetRendererFactory
. By extending this base class instead of implementing the interface directly, your code will be more robust to possible interface changes in future versions of Liferay, since the base implementation will be updated to accommodate the interface changes.AssetRenderer
: This is an interface that provides metadata information about one specific asset. It checks whether the current user has permission to edit or view the asset and renders the asset for the different templates (e.g. abstract and full content view) by forwarding to a specific JSP. We recommend that you extend theBaseAssetRenderer
class rather than directly implementing the interface. The base class provides helpful defaults and contains methods that get added to the interface in the future.
Let’s look at an example of these two classes. We’ll use Liferay’s Blogs
portlet again, and we’ll start by implementing AssetRendererFactory
public class BlogsEntryAssetRendererFactory extends BaseAssetRendererFactory {
public static final String CLASS_NAME = BlogsEntry.class.getName();
public static final String TYPE = "blog";
public AssetRenderer getAssetRenderer(long classPK, int type)
throws PortalException, SystemException {
BlogsEntry entry = BlogsEntryLocalServiceUtil.getEntry(classPK);
return new BlogsEntryAssetRenderer(entry);
public AssetRenderer getAssetRenderer(long groupId, String urlTitle)
throws PortalException, SystemException {
BlogsEntry entry = BlogsEntryServiceUtil.getEntry(groupId, urlTitle);
return new BlogsEntryAssetRenderer(entry);
public String getClassName() {
return CLASS_NAME;
public String getType() {
return TYPE;
public PortletURL getURLAdd(
LiferayPortletRequest liferayPortletRequest,
LiferayPortletResponse liferayPortletResponse)
throws PortalException, SystemException {
HttpServletRequest request =
ThemeDisplay themeDisplay = (ThemeDisplay)request.getAttribute(
if (!BlogsPermission.contains(
themeDisplay.getScopeGroupId(), ActionKeys.ADD_ENTRY)) {
return null;
PortletURL portletURL = PortletURLFactoryUtil.create(
request, PortletKeys.BLOGS, getControlPanelPlid(themeDisplay),
portletURL.setParameter("struts_action", "/blogs/edit_entry");
return portletURL;
public boolean hasPermission(
PermissionChecker permissionChecker, long classPK, String actionId)
throws Exception {
return BlogsEntryPermission.contains(
permissionChecker, classPK, actionId);
public boolean isLinkable() {
return _LINKABLE;
protected String getIconPath(ThemeDisplay themeDisplay) {
return themeDisplay.getPathThemeImages() + "/blogs/blogs.png";
private static final boolean _LINKABLE = true;
Here’s the AssetRenderer
public class BlogsEntryAssetRenderer extends BaseAssetRenderer {
public BlogsEntryAssetRenderer(BlogsEntry entry) {
_entry = entry;
public long getClassPK() {
return _entry.getEntryId();
public String getDiscussionPath() {
return "edit_entry_discussion";
else {
return null;
public long getGroupId() {
return _entry.getGroupId();
public String getSummary(Locale locale) {
return HtmlUtil.stripHtml(_entry.getDescription());
public String getTitle(Locale locale) {
return _entry.getTitle();
public PortletURL getURLEdit(
LiferayPortletRequest liferayPortletRequest,
LiferayPortletResponse liferayPortletResponse)
throws Exception {
PortletURL portletURL = liferayPortletResponse.createLiferayPortletURL(
getControlPanelPlid(liferayPortletRequest), PortletKeys.BLOGS,
portletURL.setParameter("struts_action", "/blogs/edit_entry");
portletURL.setParameter("entryId", String.valueOf(_entry.getEntryId()));
return portletURL;
public String getUrlTitle() {
return _entry.getUrlTitle();
public PortletURL getURLView(
LiferayPortletResponse liferayPortletResponse,
WindowState windowState)
throws Exception {
PortletURL portletURL = liferayPortletResponse.createLiferayPortletURL(
PortletKeys.BLOGS, PortletRequest.RENDER_PHASE);
portletURL.setParameter("struts_action", "/blogs/view_entry");
portletURL.setParameter("entryId", String.valueOf(_entry.getEntryId()));
return portletURL;
public String getURLViewInContext(
LiferayPortletRequest liferayPortletRequest,
LiferayPortletResponse liferayPortletResponse,
String noSuchEntryRedirect) {
ThemeDisplay themeDisplay =
return themeDisplay.getPortalURL() + themeDisplay.getPathMain() +
"/blogs/find_entry?noSuchEntryRedirect=" +
HttpUtil.encodeURL(noSuchEntryRedirect) + "&entryId=" +
public long getUserId() {
return _entry.getUserId();
public String getUuid() {
return _entry.getUuid();
public boolean hasEditPermission(PermissionChecker permissionChecker) {
return BlogsEntryPermission.contains(
permissionChecker, _entry, ActionKeys.UPDATE);
public boolean hasViewPermission(PermissionChecker permissionChecker) {
return BlogsEntryPermission.contains(
permissionChecker, _entry, ActionKeys.VIEW);
public boolean isPrintable() {
return true;
public String render(
RenderRequest renderRequest, RenderResponse renderResponse,
String template)
throws Exception {
if (template.equals(TEMPLATE_ABSTRACT) ||
template.equals(TEMPLATE_FULL_CONTENT)) {
renderRequest.setAttribute(WebKeys.BLOGS_ENTRY, _entry);
return "/html/portlet/blogs/asset/" + template + ".jsp";
else {
return null;
protected String getIconPath(ThemeDisplay themeDisplay) {
return themeDisplay.getPathThemeImages() + "/blogs/blogs.png";
private BlogsEntry _entry;
In the render method, there’s a forward to a JSP in the case of the abstract and the full content templates. The abstract isn’t mandatory and if it isn’t provided, the Asset Publisher shows the title and the summary from the appropriate methods of the renderer. The full content template should always be provided. Here’s how it looks for blogs entries:
<%@ include file="/html/portlet/blogs/init.jsp" %>
BlogsEntry entry = (BlogsEntry)request.getAttribute(WebKeys.BLOGS_ENTRY);
<%= entry.getContent() %>
<liferay-ui:custom-attributes-available className="<%= BlogsEntry.class.getName() %>">
className="<%= BlogsEntry.class.getName() %>"
classPK="<%= (entry != null) ? entry.getEntryId() : 0 %>"
editable="<%= false %>"
label="<%= true %>"
That’s about it. It wasn’t that hard, right? Now it’s time to get really fancy;
put on your dancing shoes. If you need to extend the capabilities of the
for one of Liferay’s core portlets, check out the
article Extending an
by Juan Fernàndez; he talks about doing just that.
Now get out there and start enjoying the benefits of the Asset Framework in your custom portlets.
Let’s learn how to leverage Liferay Portal’s File Storage Framework.