Blade CLI

The Blade CLI is the easiest way for Liferay developers to create new Liferay modules. Although the Plugins SDK is also supported, Blade CLI lets you create projects that can be used with any IDE or development environment. Blade CLI is a command line tool bootstrapped on to a Gradle based environment that is used to build Liferay 7.0 modules. This tool set provides a host of sub-commands that help Liferay developers create and deploy modules to a Liferay instance. The following sub-commands are callable in the Blade CLI environment:

  • convert: Converts a Plugins SDK plugin project to a Gradle Workspace project.
  • create: Creates a new Liferay module project from available templates.
  • deploy: Builds and deploys bundles to the Liferay module framework.
  • gw: Executes Gradle command using the Gradle Wrapper, if detected.
  • help: Gives help on a specific command.
  • init: Initializes a new Liferay Workspace.
  • install: Installs a bundle into Liferay’s module framework.
  • open: Opens or imports a file or project in Liferay Developer Studio.
  • samples: Generates a sample project.
  • server: Starts or stops server defined by your Liferay project.
  • sh: Connects to Liferay and executes Gogo command and returns output.
  • update: Updates Blade CLI to latest version.
  • upgradeProps: Analyzes your old and your newly installed 7.x server to show you properties moved to OSGi configuration files or removed from the product.
  • version: Displays version information about Blade CLI.

In this set of tutorials, you’ll learn how to use these commands to create and test Liferay modules.

« Using Front-End Code Assist Features in Developer StudioInstalling Blade CLI »
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