JSP Overrides Using Custom JSP Bag

Liferay’s API based approaches to overriding JSPs are the best way to override JSPs in apps and in the core. You can also use Custom JSP Bags to override core JSPs. But the approach is not as stable as the API based approaches. If your Custom JSP Bag’s JSP is buggy (because of your code or because of a change in Liferay), you are most likely to find out at runtime, where functionality breaks and nasty log errors greet you. In the case that you’re maintaining existing Custom JSP Bags, however, this tutorial explains how they work.

A Custom JSP Bag module must satisfy these criteria:

  • Includes a class that implements the CustomJspBag interface.

  • Registers the service in the OSGi runtime.

  • Provides the JSP you’re extending.

The module provides transportation for this code into Liferay’s OSGi runtime. When configuring it to build a proper JAR, map the path of the JSPs in the JAR to their path in your module. In a bnd.bnd file you could specify

-includeresource: META-INF/jsps=src/META-INF/custom_jsps

If you’re using the Maven Standard Directory Layout and placing your JSPs under src/main/resources, you can ignore the -includeresource directive.

Any core JSPs you’re customizing should be put into this folder, and the rest of their path and their name must match exactly the path and name of the JSP that’s nested underneath portal-web/docroot/html. For example, if you’re overriding


and you used the includeresource directive above, put the overridden JSP in this folder of your module:


Implement a Custom JSP Bag

Create a class that implements CustomJspBag. The overall goal is to make sure that Liferay (specifically the CustomJspBagRegistryUtil class) loads the JSPs from your module upon activation.

public class MyCustomJspBag implements CustomJspBag {

When the Component is activated, you need to add the URL path for all your custom core JSPs (by directory path) to a List.

    protected void activate(BundleContext bundleContext) {
        bundle = bundleContext.getBundle();

        _customJsps = new ArrayList<>();

        Enumeration<URL> entries = bundle.findEntries(
            getCustomJspDir(), "*.jsp", true);

        while (entries.hasMoreElements()) {
            URL url = entries.nextElement();



    private List<String> _customJsps;

    private Bundle bundle;

In the custom JSP bag you’ll need to override the following methods:

  • getCustomJspDir: Return the directory path in your module’s JAR where the JSPs are placed (for example, META-INF/jsps).

  • getCustomJsps: Return a List of the custom JSP URL paths.

  • getURLContainer: Return a new com.liferay.portal.kernel.url.URLContainer. Instantiate the URL container and override its getResources and getResource methods. The getResources method is for looking up all of the paths to resources in the container by a given path. It should return a HashSet of Strings for the matching custom JSP paths. The getResource method returns one specific resource by its name (the path included).

  • isCustomJspGlobal: Return true.

For an example of a full class that provides a working implementation of a custom JSP bag, refer to the core-jsp-override BLADE project.

Register the Custom JSP Bag

Register the custom JSP bag implementation from your module in the OSGi runtime with three properties:

  • context.id: Specify your custom JSP bag class name. For example, MyCustomJspBag.

  • contex.name: This should be a more human readable name, like My Custom JSP Bag.

  • service.ranking:integer: This will determine the priority of your implementation. If you specify 100 here, and one of your coworkers develops a separate custom JSP bag implementation and gives theirs a ranking of 101, you’re out of luck. Theirs will take precedence. Logically then, you should use 102.

Extend a JSP

If you want to add something to a core JSP, see if it has an empty -ext.jsp and override that instead of the whole JSP. It’ll keep things simpler and more stable, since the full JSP might change significantly, breaking your customization in the process. By overriding the -ext.jsp, you’re only relying on the original JSP including the -ext.jsp. For an example, open portal-web/docroot/html/common/themes/bottom.jsp, and scroll to the end. You’ll see this:

<liferay-util:include page="/html/common/themes/bottom-ext.jsp" />

If you need to add something to bottom.jsp, override bottom-ext.jsp.

As of 7.0, the content from the following JSP files formerly in html/common/themes are inlined to improve performance.  

  • body_bottom-ext.jsp
  • body_top-ext.jsp
  • bottom-ext.jsp
  • bottom-test.jsp

They’re no longer explicit files in the code base. But you can still create them in your module to add functionality and content.

Remember, this type of customization should be seen as a last resort. There’s a risk that your override will break due to the nature of this implementation, and core functionality in Liferay can go down with it. If the JSP you want to override is in another module, refer to the section on API based approaches to overriding JSPs.

Site Scoped JSP Customization

In Liferay Portal 6.2, you could use Application Adapters to scope your core JSP customizations to a specific site. Since the majority of JSPs were moved into modules for Liferay DXP 7.0, the use case for this has shrunk considerably. If you need to scope a core JSP customization to a site, prepare an application adapter as you would have for Liferay Portal 6.2, and deploy it to Liferay DXP 7.0. It will still work. However, note that this approach is deprecated in Liferay DXP 7.0 and won’t be supported at all in Liferay 8.0.

Upgrading Core JSP Hooks

« JSP Overrides Using OSGi FragmentsOverriding Liferay DXP's Default YUI and AUI Modules »
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