Liferay’s Service Builder can generate local and remote services for your Liferay apps. The section of tutorials on Service Builder gives a general introduction to Service Builder, as well as instructions on generating your app’s local services. But what if you want to use Service Builder to generate your app’s remote services? And how should you invoke remote services generated by Service Builder? No sweat! That’s exactly what the tutorials here cover. This section shows you how to use Service Builder to create JSON and SOAP web services, and how to invoke those services. Because Liferay’s own developers use Service Builder to generate JSON and SOAP web services, knowing how to invoke these services is especially important. This section includes the following tutorials:
Creating Remote Services: Use Service Builder to generate your app’s JSON and SOAP web services.
Invoking Remote Services: Learn the basics of invoking JSON and SOAP web services in Liferay.
Service Security Layers: Learn how Liferay secures web services, and how to invoke them with proper authentication.
Registering JSON Web Services: Learn some of the details behind how Service Builder generates JSON web services, and how you can tailor this process to your needs.
Invoking JSON Web Services: Learn how to invoke Liferay’s JSON web services API via URL. This includes information on passing URL parameters, troubleshooting, and more.
JSON Web Services Invoker: Learn how to use Liferay’s JSON Web Services Invoker to optimize your JSON web service calls.
JSON Web Services Invocation Examples: See examples of how to invoke Liferay’s JSON web services via JavaScript, URL, and cURL.
Configuring JSON Web Services: Learn which properties you can use to control how JSON web services behave in your Liferay instance.
SOAP Web Services: Learn how SOAP web services work in Liferay.