Implementing Asset Categorization and Tagging

In this tutorial, you’ll allow content authors the ability to specify tags and categories for their entities in the UI. Liferay provides a set of JSP tags for showing category and tag inputs in your UI. Before beginning, your entities should be asset-enabled and you should have asset renderers enabled for them.

Figure 1: Adding category and tag input options lets authors aggregate and label custom entities.

Figure 1: Adding category and tag input options lets authors aggregate and label custom entities.

Now it’s time to get started!

You can use the following tags in the JSPs you provide for adding/editing custom entities. Here’s what the tags look like in the edit_entry.jsp for the Blogs portlet:

<liferay-ui:asset-categories-error />
<liferay-ui:asset-tags-error />
<aui:fieldset-group markupView="lexicon">
    <aui:fieldset collapsed="<%= true %>" collapsible="<%= true %>" label="categorization">
        <aui:input name="categories" type="assetCategories" />

        <aui:input name="tags" type="assetTags" />

These category and tag aui:input tags generate form controls that let users browse/select a categories for the entity, browse/select tags, and/or create new tags to associate with the entity.

The liferay-ui:asset-categories-error and liferay-ui:asset-tags-error tags show messages for errors occurring during the asset category or tag input process. The aui:fieldset tag uses a container that lets users hide or show the category and tag input options.

For styling purposes, the aui:fieldset-group tag is given the lexicon markdup view.

Once the tags and categories have been entered, you’ll want to show them along with the content of the asset. Here’s how to display the tags and categories:

<p><liferay-ui:message key="categories" />:</p>

<div class="entry-categories">
        className="<%= BlogsEntry.class.getName() %>"
        classPK="<%= entry.getEntryId() %>"
        portletURL="<%= renderResponse.createRenderURL() %>"


<div class="entry-tags">
    <p><liferay-ui:message key="tags" />:</p>

        className="<%= BlogsEntry.class.getName() %>"
        classPK="<%= entry.getEntryId() %>"
        portletURL="<%= renderResponse.createRenderURL() %>"

You’ll notice the portletURL parameter is used for both tags and categories, which supports navigation amongst the two. Each tag that uses this parameter becomes a link containing the portletURL and tag or categoryId parameter value. To implement this, you need to implement the look-up functionality in your portlet code. Do this by reading the values of those two parameters and using AssetEntryService to query the database for entries based on the specified tag or category.

Deploy your changes and add/edit a custom entity in your UI. Your form shows the categorization and tag input options in a panel that the user can hide/show.

Great! Now you know how to make category and tag input options available to your app’s content authors.

Relating Assets

Adding, Updating, and Deleting Assets for Custom Entities

What is Service Builder?

« Adding, Updating, and Deleting Assets for Custom EntitiesRelating Assets »
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