Loading Modules with AUI Script in Liferay DXP

The aui:script tag is a JSP tag that loads JavaScript in script tags on the page, while ensuring that certain resources are loaded before executing.

Using aui:script

The aui:script tag supports the following options:

  • require: Requires an AMD module that will be loaded with the Liferay AMD Module Loader.
  • use: Uses an AlloyUI/YUI module that is loaded via the YUI loader.
  • position: The position the script tag is put on the page. Possible options are inline or auto.
  • sandbox: Whether to wrap the script tag in an anonymous function. If set to true, in addition to the wrapping, $ and _ are defined for jQuery and underscore.

Next you can learn how to load ES2015 and Metal.js modules.

Loading ES2015 and Metal.js Modules

You can use aui:script to load your ES2015 and Metal.js modules like this:

<aui:script require="metal-clipboard/src/Clipboard">
    new metalClipboardSrcClipboard.default();

This resolves the dependencies of the registered Clipboard.js and loads them in order until all of them are satisfied and the requested module can be safely executed.

In the browser, the aui:script translates to the full HTML shown below:

<script type="text/javascript">
    Liferay.Loader.require("metal-clipboard/src/Clipboard", function(metalClipboardSrcClipboard) {
        (function() {
            new metalClipboardSrcClipboard.default();
    }, function(error) {

Next you can learn how to load AlloyUI modules.

Loading AlloyUI Modules

You can use the use attribute to load AlloyUI/YUI modules:

<aui:script use="aui-base">
        function(event) {
            alert('Thank you for clicking.')

This loads the aui-base AlloyUI component and makes it available to the code inside the aui:script.

In the browser, the aui:script translates to the full HTML shown below:

<script type="text/javascript">
                function(event) {
                    alert('Thank you for clicking.')

Next you can learn how to load AlloyUI modules together with ES2015 and Metal.js modules.

Loading AlloyUI Modules and ES2015 and Metal.js Modules Together

You may want to load an AUI module along with an ES2015 module or Metal.js module in an aui:script. The aui:script tag doesn’t support both the require and use attributes in the same configuration. Not to worry though. You can use the aui:script’s require attribute to load the ES2015 and Metal.js modules, while loading the AUI module(s) with the AUI().use() function within the script. Below is an example configuration:

<aui:script require="path-to/metal/module">
    function(A) {
        let var = pathToMetalModule.default;

Now you know how to load modules with the aui:script tag!

Configuring Modules for Liferay Portal Loaders

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