Best Practices for Rules

In this tutorial, you’ll learn about best practices to keep in mind when creating Audience Targeting Rules. Before going through some best practices, you should understand the three components you can specify for a rule:

  • Rule Behavior
  • UI for Configuration (optional)
  • Language Keys (optional)

You discuss rule behavior and its UI configuration in great detail in the Creating New Audience Targeting Rule Types tutorial. To learn more about language keys and how to create, use, and generate them, visit the Internationalization tutorials.

Audience Targeting gives you the option to choose whatever frontend technology you like. In the next section, you’ll learn how to use your preferred technology for displaying content in Audience Targeting rules.

Selecting a UI Technology

Since Liferay DXP 7.0, JSP is the preferred technology for Audience Targeting extension views. FreeMarker views, however, are still supported through their respective base classes (e.g., BaseFreemarkerRule). If you’re interested in using a technology besides JSP or FreeMarker to implement your UI, you can add a method getFormHTML to your -Rule class. Here’s an example of implementing the getFormHTML method:

public String getFormHTML(
    RuleInstance ruleInstance, Map<String, Object> context,
    Map<String, String> values) {

    String content = "";

    try {
        populateContext(ruleInstance, context, values);

        content = ContentTargetingContextUtil.parseTemplate(
            getClass(), getFormTemplatePath(), context);
    catch (Exception e) {
            "Error while processing template " + getFormTemplatePath(), e);

    return content;

The getFormHTML is used to retrieve the HTML created by the technology you choose, and to return it as a string that is viewable from your rule’s form. If you plan, therefore, on using an alternative to JSP or FreeMarker, you must override this method by creating and modifying it in your -Rule class.

Other Best Practices

Here are some things to consider as you implement and deploy Audience Targeting rules:

  • As an alternative to storing complex information in the typeSettings field, which is managed by the framework in the Rule Instance table, you may want to consider persisting to a database by using Service Builder, which is supported for Rule plugins.

  • If you deploy your rule into a production environment, you may want to consider adding your values to the cache (e.g., weather in different locations), since obtaining the same value on every request is very inefficient and could result in slowing down your portal. For example, when the evaluate method is called, you could obtain the current user ID, current user’s weather forecast, and the time at which the user first visited the page. Then you could evaluate the rule only when the cached time is over three hours old. This would prevent the rule from evaluating every time the user visited the page. This is best done using services.

  • You can override the BaseJSPRule.deleteData method in your -Rule, so that it deletes any data associated with the rule that is currently being deleted.

  • If your rule handles data or references to data that can be staged (e.g., a reference to a page or web content article), you may need to override the BaseRule.exportData and BaseRule.importData methods, to manage the content properly.

Creating New Audience Targeting Rule Types


Service Builder Persistence

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