Referencing an npm Module's Package to Improve Code Maintenance

Once you’ve exposed your modules, you can use them in your portlet via the aui:script tag’s require attribute. By default, Liferay DXP automatically composes an npm module’s JavaScript variable based on its name. For example, the module my-package@1.0.0 translates to the variable myPackage100 for the <aui:script> tag’s require attribute. This means that each time a new version of the OSGi bundle’s npm package is released, you must update your code’s variable to reflect the new version. You can use the JSPackage interface to obtain the module’s package name and create an alias to reference it, so the variable name always reflects the latest version number!

Follow these steps:

  1. Retrieve a reference to the OSGi bundle’s npm package using the getJSPackage() method:

    JSPackage jsPackage = _npmResolver.getJSPackage();
  2. Grab the npm package’s resolved ID (the current package version, in the format <package name>@<version>, defined in the OSGi module’s package.json) using the getResolvedId() method and alias it with the as myVariableName pattern. The example below retrieves the npm module’s resolved ID, sets it to the bootstrapRequire variable, and assigns the entire value to the attribute bootstrapRequire. This ensures that the package version is always up to date:

      jsPackage.getResolvedId() + " as bootstrapRequire");
  3. Include the reference to the NPMResolver:

    private NPMResolver _npmResolver;
  4. Resolve the JSPackage and NPMResolver imports:

    import com.liferay.frontend.js.loader.modules.extender.npm.JSPackage;
    import com.liferay.frontend.js.loader.modules.extender.npm.NPMResolver;
  5. In the portlet’s JSP, retrieve the aliased attribute (bootstrapRequire in the example):

    String bootstrapRequire =
  6. Finally, use the attribute as the <aui:script> require attribute’s value:

    <aui:script require="<%= bootstrapRequire %>">

Below is the full example *Portlet class:

public class MyPortlet extends MVCPortlet {
	public void doView(
			RenderRequest renderRequest, RenderResponse renderResponse)
		throws IOException, PortletException {

		JSPackage jsPackage = _npmResolver.getJSPackage();

			jsPackage.getResolvedId() + " as bootstrapRequire");

		super.doView(renderRequest, renderResponse);
	private NPMResolver _npmResolver;

And here is the corresponding example view.jsp:

String bootstrapRequire =

<aui:script require="<%= bootstrapRequire %>">

Now you know how to reference an npm module’s package!

Obtaining an OSGi bundle’s Dependency npm Package Descriptors


How Liferay DXP Publishes npm Packages

« Using the NPMResolver API in Your PortletsObtaining an OSGi bundle's Dependency npm Package Descriptors »
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