Creating Layouts inside Custom Portlets

Layout templates specify how your portlets and content are organized on your site pages. What if, instead, you want to organize your portlet’s content? <aui> tags let you create layouts using Bootstrap within your portlets. This tutorial explains this process.

Follow these steps:

  1. Open your portlet’s JSP and include the AUI taglib declaration if it’s not already included:

    <%@ taglib uri="" prefix="aui" %>
  2. Wrap your portlet’s content in <aui:container> tags. If you wish to only have a portion of your portlet’s content in a layout, wrap that portion with a <aui:container> tags.

  3. In between the <aui:container>...</aui:container> tags, add a set of <aui:row> tags for each row that you want in your portlet’s layout.

  4. Add a set of <aui:col> tags for each column that you want in the row. Repeat this step for each row in the layout.

A complete example is shown below:

    <aui:col md="12">
      <h1>My Custom Layout Portlet</h1>
    <aui:col md="4" sm="6">
      <h2>Column One</h2>
        Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. 
        Integer eget pulvinar quam. Vivamus ornare leo libero, sed 
        mollis urna aliquam ac. Duis porta sapien non felis varius, in 
        iaculis orci fermentum. Etiam quis molestie elit, in tempor 
        risus. Morbi varius elementum lectus at feugiat. Quisque 
        dapibus orci ac dui eleifend, ut ullamcorper nulla sagittis. 
        Ut ac scelerisque sem.
    <aui:col md="8" sm="6">
    <h2>Column Two</h2>
        Aliquam hendrerit augue sed nisl ullamcorper pulvinar. Donec 
        tristique congue erat ac condimentum. Suspendisse vehicula 
        nunc vel velit imperdiet dapibus. In hac habitasse platea 
        dictumst. Morbi eleifend arcu sit amet magna faucibus, vitae 
        posuere erat finibus. Sed hendrerit convallis ipsum id luctus. 
        Aliquam aliquam consequat turpis eu vulputate. Nulla vitae 
        libero lorem. Proin nec lacus et nunc laoreet posuere. 
        Vestibulum euismod vestibulum faucibus. Vivamus dolor justo, 
        malesuada ac libero ac, feugiat varius leo. Integer viverra 
        nisi vel fringilla aliquam.
        Suspendisse potenti. Mauris neque nisl, hendrerit a sem at, 
        rutrum dictum arcu. Ut aliquet tortor vel tortor interdum 
        dictum. Sed non sapien quam. Nunc aliquet in massa elementum 
        aliquam. Cras convallis tristique ante ut ultrices. Aenean 
        quis congue nulla. Integer in lacus lectus. Mauris maximus, 
        nibh sit amet pharetra laoreet, sem dolor eleifend metus, non 
        semper sem justo vel mauris. Praesent tristique quis risus 
        vulputate faucibus. Nullam feugiat diam vel elit pharetra, id 
        porta velit fringilla. Pellentesque metus justo, dictum et 
        dolor venenatis, pretium egestas massa. Donec risus nisi, 
        elementum in lectus id, imperdiet blandit mauris.

Figure 1: Custom layouts in your portlets let you organize your portlets content with the user in mind.

Figure 1: Custom layouts in your portlets let you organize your portlet's content with the user in mind.

The columns in the second row take advantage of Bootstrap’s grid classes to create responsive layouts. On medium sized view ports, column-1 is 33.33% width and column-2 is 66.66% width, but on small sized view ports both column-1 and column-2 are 50% width.

Figure 2: You can take advantage of Bootstraps grid classes to create responsive layouts within your custom portlets.

Figure 2: You can take advantage of Bootstrap's grid classes to create responsive layouts within your custom portlets.

AUI Layout Tag Attributes

This section contains a list of the available attributes for each tag along with a brief description of its purpose.

AUI Container

The <aui:container> tag creates a container <div> tag to wrap <aui:row> components and offer additional styling.

It supports the following attributes:

cssClassStringA CSS class for styling the component
dynamicAttributesMap<String, Object>Map of data- attributes for your container
fluidbooleanWhether to enable the container to span the entire width of the viewport. The default value is true
idStringAn ID for the component instance


The <aui:row> tag creates a row to hold <aui:col> components.

It supports the following attributes:

cssClassStringA CSS class for styling the component
idStringAn ID for the component instance


The <aui:col> tag creates a column to display content in an <aui:row> component.

It supports the following attributes:


Now you know how to create layouts inside your portlets!

Layout Templates with the Liferay Theme Generator

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