Upgrading Your Theme from Liferay Portal 7.0 to 7.1

This section of tutorials guides you through the process of upgrading your 7.0 theme to run on Liferay DXP 7.1. While you’re at it, you should leverage theme improvements, including support for Bootstrap 4 and Lexicon 2.0.

Theme upgrades involve these steps:

  • Updating project metadata
  • Updating CSS
  • Updating theme templates

No matter the environment in which you’re developing your theme, these tutorials explain everything required to upgrade it. The easiest option is to use the gulp upgrade task. This, however, is only available for themes created with the Liferay Theme Generator. If you’re upgrading in an environment other than the themes generator, follow the other tutorials in this section to upgrade your theme manually.

« Applying Clay Design PatternsUpgrading Themes Created With the Liferay Theme Generator »
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