Using the Bootstrap 3 Lexicon CSS Compatibility Layer

By default, Liferay DXP includes Bootstrap 4 out-of-the-box. Bootstrap 4 has been completely rewritten and therefore includes some notable changes and compatibility updates that may be cause for concern if your theme uses Bootstrap 3 or Lexicon CSS. Not to worry though. To ensure that your upgrade runs smoothly, Liferay DXP includes a compatibility layer so you can use Bootstrap 3 markup and Lexicon CSS markup alongside the new Bootstrap 4 and Clay CSS. The bundled icon fonts (Font Awesome v3.2.1 and Glyphicons 3) were moved to the compatibility layer’s _components.scss file as well. If your theme extends the Styled base theme, this compatibility layer is included by default.

Follow these guidelines to update your markup:

  1. See how your theme looks with the compatibility layer enabled (it’s enabled by default).

  2. Individually disable the component(s) in the compatibility layer that you don’t need. These are listed in the css/compat/_variables.scss file. For convenience, the components are listed below:

    // Compatibility layer components config
    $compat-alerts: true !default;
    $compat-basic_search: true !default;
    $compat-breadcrumbs: true !default;
    $compat-button_groups: true !default;
    $compat-buttons: true !default;
    $compat-cards: true !default;
    $compat-component_animations: true !default;
    $compat-dropdowns: true !default;
    $compat-figures: true !default;
    $compat-form_validation: true !default;
    $compat-forms: true !default;
    $compat-grid: true !default;
    $compat-icons: true !default;
    $compat-labels: true !default;
    $compat-liferay: true !default;
    $compat-list_groups: true !default;
    $compat-management_bar: true !default;
    $compat-modals: true !default;
    $compat-nav_tabs: true !default;
    $compat-navbar: true !default;
    $compat-navs: true !default;
    $compat-pager: true !default;
    $compat-pagination: true !default;
    $compat-panels: true !default;
    $compat-progress_bars: true !default;
    $compat-responsive_utilities: true !default;
    $compat-sidebar: true !default;
    $compat-simple_flexbox_grid: true !default;
    $compat-stickers: true !default;
    $compat-tables: true !default;
    $compat-toggle_card: true !default;
    $compat-toggle_switch: true !default;
    $compat-toolbar: true !default;
    $compat-user_icons: true !default;
    $compat-utilities: true !default;

    To disable a component, add the component you want to remove compatibility for to /src/css/_clay_custom.scss (create this file if it doesn’t exist) and set its value to false. The example below removes compatibility for alerts and cards:

    $compat-alerts: false !default;
    $compat-cards: false !default;
  3. Update your markup to Bootstrap 4 and Clay CSS until you’re satisfied with the result.

  4. Re-enable any components you disabled in the compatibility layer by removing any components you set to false in /src/css/_clay_custom.scss. This ensures that Liferay DXP’s UI isn’t broken.

Now you know how to use the Bootstrap 3 and Lexicon CSS compatibility layer to provide a smooth transition during your theme upgrade.

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