You can extend certain Liferay Applications with custom screens. Custom screens can add configuration for features you’ve developed, integrating them seamlessly with the original application.
Categories Administration
The Categories Administration application supports adding Custom Screens to provide additional options for editing a category. To demonstrate adding a new Screen Navigation Entry and Category, you’ll add one to Categories Administration.
Create a new Java class in the
module namedCategoryCustomScreenNavigationEntry
that implementsScreenNavigationCategory
. -
Add the following Component annotation above the class declaration:
@Component( property = { "screen.navigation.category.order:Integer=1", "screen.navigation.entry.order:Integer=1" }, service = {ScreenNavigationCategory.class, ScreenNavigationEntry.class} )
determine where in the navigation the items appear. Higher is first in the navigation.In the
declaration, declare it as defining aScreenNavigationCategory
, or both. -
For the class body, insert this code:
@Override public String getCategoryKey() { return "custom-screen"; } @Override public String getEntryKey() { return "custom-screen"; } @Override public String getLabel(Locale locale) { return LanguageUtil.get(locale, "custom-screen"); } @Override public String getScreenNavigationKey() { return AssetCategoriesConstants.CATEGORY_KEY_GENERAL; } @Override public void render(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws IOException { _jspRenderer.renderJSP(request, response, "/category/custom-screen.jsp"); } @Reference private JSPRenderer _jspRenderer;
Create a
in the/resources/META-INF/resources/category/
folder. -
At the top of your JSP class, insert the following scriplet at the top to use the Screen Navigation UI:
<% String redirect = ParamUtil.getString(request, "redirect", assetCategoriesDisplayContext.getEditCategoryRedirect()); long categoryId = ParamUtil.getLong(request, "categoryId"); AssetCategory category = AssetCategoryLocalServiceUtil.fetchCategory(categoryId); long parentCategoryId = BeanParamUtil.getLong(category, request, "parentCategoryId"); long vocabularyId = ParamUtil.getLong(request, "vocabularyId"); portletDisplay.setShowBackIcon(true); portletDisplay.setURLBack(redirect); renderResponse.setTitle(((category == null) ? LanguageUtil.get(request, "add-new-category") : category.getTitle(locale))); %>
Below that insert the following tag:
<liferay-frontend:screen-navigation key= "<%= AssetCategoriesConstants.CATEGORY_KEY_GENERAL %>" modelBean="<%= category %>" portletURL="<%= portletURL %>" />
For the rest of the JSP, create your custom screen.
Now you can use that pattern to create additional screens for whatever you need.