Advanced Page Set Options

There are some powerful options that should only be used by those with a firm command of the technology, or they could have major unintended side effects. You can find these options under the Advanced tab.

Executing JavaScript in Site Pages

At the top of the Advanced tab is a JavaScript editor. Code entered here is executed at the bottom of every page in the Site. If your Site’s theme uses JavaScript (as is usually the case), it’s best to add custom JavaScript code to the theme and not here. This way, all your Site’s JavaScript code remains in one place.

This may be useful if your Site’s theme does not use JavaScript. In this case, you can place all of your Site’s JavaScript here.

Rendering Pages for Mobile Devices

Mobile Device Rules lets you configure your page set to have specific behaviors for specific mobile devices or types. Mobile device rules are inherited from your Public Pages, but you can define specific rules per page. You can edit the Look and Feel of specific pages for mobile devices, including the theme. This is explained in Mobile Device Rules.


The Robots option lets you configure robots.txt rules for the domain: both its public and private pages. The robots.txt file provides instructions to search engines and other tools that are automatically crawling and indexing your Site. Common entries here include defining some pages not to be indexed.

Notifying Search Engines of Site Pages

The Sitemap option generates a sitemap you can send to some search engines so they can crawl your Site. It uses the industry standard sitemap protocol.

Select a search engine link to send the sitemap to it. It’s only necessary to do this once per Site.

If you’re interested in seeing what is sent to the search engines, select the preview link to see the generated XML.

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