Installing Liferay Sync's Prerequisites

Liferay Sync requires that you install the following apps from Liferay Marketplace. Be sure to install them in this order:

  1. Liferay Connector to OAuth 1.0a: Enables OAuth 1 in your Liferay DXP installation (note that Sync isn’t compatible with OAuth 2). You must install this app before installing the Liferay Sync Connector app. Otherwise, your portal will not be able to start.

  2. Liferay Sync Connector: Lets you enable and configure Sync in your Liferay DXP instance. For example, you can disable Sync across the instance or on a site-by-site basis. Note that Sync is enabled by default for all your Liferay DXP instance’s sites. You must install this app after installing the Liferay Connector to OAuth 1.0a app. Otherwise, your portal will not be able to start.

For instructions on installing Marketplace apps, see the Liferay Marketplace documentation.

If you want to use Sync Connector’s default settings and are fine with enabling Sync for all your Sites, you can skip the articles that follow on configuring Sync. However, before directing your users to install and configure the Sync desktop and mobile clients, make sure to read this guide’s articles on preventing accidental file deletion and ensuring Sync security. You should also warn your users about the potential for accidental data loss.

Configuring Sync to Use SSO

If you use an SSO (single sign-on) solution, you must ensure that Sync can access the following URLs without being redirected to your SSO server. Sync can’t work without direct access to these URLs. You must therefore whitelist these URLs:


For example, if your installation’s address is, then you must whitelist the following URLs:***

Sync uses the paths specified in the first URL for communication via OAuth, and the paths specified in the remaining URLs for normal communication with your Liferay DXP installation.

You must also enable OAuth in the Sync Connector app. The next articles cover this, as well as other information on how to configure Sync.

« Administering Liferay SyncConfiguring Liferay Sync »
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