Data Providers

Select from List fields can hold a lot of options. There are around 200 countries on Earth, for example. If you have unoccupied unpaid interns you could ask them to type each country into the Select from List field manually, or you could auto-populate your select fields using a REST web service. This saves you (or your interns) the trouble of typing all those options, and you can rely on someone else (hopefully a trustworthy expert) to keep the data updated.

When setting up a data provider, you’re accessing a REST web service. Use the JSON web services registered in Liferay, or any other REST web service you can access. To find a list of the ready-to-use registered JSON web services in Liferay DXP, navigate to http://localhost:8080/api/jsonws (assuming you’re running a local server). Browse the available Liferay services. Many times, the services useful to you in the Forms application get a list of something. Find the get-countries JSON web service (there are two—use either one) and click on it, then click Invoke. The Result tab shows a list of countries using JSON syntax, like this:

    "a2": "AF",
    "a3": "AFG",
    "countryId": "20",
    "idd": "093",
    "mvccVersion": "0",
    "name": "afghanistan",
    "nameCurrentValue": "Afghanistan",
    "number": "4"

That’s the record for the country Afghanistan. As you can see in the URL tab, the URL you entered into the data provider form is the same as the one generated for accessing the get-countries JSON web service. Find the URL for any registered JSON web service using this same procedure.

Note the field you want Users to select. With this service, it’s most likely nameCurrentValue, because it contains the full, properly capitalized name of the country.

Adding a Basic Data Provider

To add a Countries of the World Data Provider for use in your Forms,

  1. Go to the Forms application.

  2. Click the Options button (Options) and click Data Providers.

  3. Click the Add button (Add).

    The REST Data Provider form loads.

  4. Fill out the Name and Description fields.

    Name: Countries of the World

  5. Enter the URL and authentication tokens for the REST service. For the get-countries service:

    URL: http://localhost:8080/api/jsonws/country/get-countries/

    User Name:


  6. In the Outputs fields, specify which field from the REST service populates your select list.

    Label: Country Name

    Path: $..nameCurrentValue

    Type: List

  7. Save the Data Provider.

Figure 1: Set up a simple data provider in no time.

Figure 1: Set up a simple data provider in no time.

What’s that $.. before nameCurrentValue? It’s JsonPath syntax to navigate the JSON data structure and specify the path to the output. Learn more about JsonPath here and here.

Using a Data Provider in a Select Field

Once the Data Provider is configured, use it to populate a Select from List field:

  1. Go to the Form Builder (add a new form or edit an existing one)

  2. Drag a Select from List field onto the form.

  3. In the Create List section, choose From Data Provider.

  4. Choose the Data Provider and its Output Parameter:

    Choose a Data Provider: Countries of the World

    Choose an Output Parameter: Country Name

  5. Publish the form and test it.

Figure 2: Form users select an option form the list populated by the Data Provider.

Figure 2: Form users select an option form the list populated by the Data Provider.

Your Data Provider is now being used to populate a select field. However, this form should be submitted by Guest users, who don’t currently have permission to see the list of results from the data provider. Arrgh! Now what?

Granting Data Provider Permissions

To configure the data provider’s permissions, go to the Forms application (Site AdministrationContentForms). Open the Options menu (Options) and select Data Providers. For the data provider you want to configure, click the Actions button (Actions), then Permissions.

Configure the permissions you need. If Guests are to fill out the form, they need the View permission, or else they won’t be able to see the options provided by the data provider. Once you grant permissions, click Save.

Data Provider Configuration

The above instructions cover adding a basic Data Provider. Knowing more about each field in the Data Provider setup form opens up more possibilities.

The URL of an internal or external REST service endpoint. Consider the REST service at, which contains a REST API endpoint to find countries by region:{region}

Data Provider URLs can take two parameter types: path parameters and query parameters.

Path parameters are part of the URL calling the REST web service, and are added using the pattern{path_parameter_name}:

The service’s region endpoint’s path parameter is {region}. Path parameters are mandatory parts of the URL, so make sure you specify an Input (see below) with a Parameter field value matching the path parameter from the URL.

Query parameters are complementary parts of the URL that filter the output of the service call, following the pattern ?query_parameter=query_parameter_value:

Unlike path parameters, query parameters are optional.

User Name and Password
Credentials used to authenticate to the REST Web Service, if necessary.
Cache data on the first request.
If the data is cached, a second load of the select list field is much faster, since a second call to the REST service provider is unnecessary.
The time (in ms) to allow the REST service call to process before aborting the request, if a response is not returned.
Configure path or query parameters from the REST service to filter the REST service’s response. Specify the Label, Parameter, and Type (Text or Number), and choose whether the input is required to use the Data Provider. You can add multiple Inputs. To provide a way for users to specify the input value, use an Autofill Form Rule. A User enters input into one field, and their input is sent to the REST service. The REST service’s response data is filtered by the input parameter.
The Parameter to display in Select from List or Text fields with autocomplete enabled. You can add multiple Outputs. Outputs can be filtered by inputs (see above) but can also be displayed without configuring input filtering. Specify the Label, Path, and Type (Text, Number, or List). The Path field is specified in JsonPath syntax, so it must always start with a $. The type of data returned by the Path must match the type you choose in the Type field. Using the service, specify the name field as an Output by entering enter $ in the Path field.

If you have a more complex JsonPath expression to construct (for example, you need the names of all countries with a population over 100 million—$..[?(@.population>100000000)].name with the service), consider using an online JsonPath evaluator, like this one or this one.

Figure 3: Set up Data Providers to display data retrieved from a REST service.

Figure 3: Set up Data Providers to display data retrieved from a REST service.

Troubleshooting Data Provider Errors

To uncover errors arising from Data Provider failures, configure log levels for these services:

Category: Level: WARN

Category: Level: DEBUG

With Data Providers, the world’s (RESTful) data is at your disposal to use with the Forms application

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