Workflow and Forms

Kaleo is a workflow engine for sending a submitted asset through a workflow process before it’s published. Most assets are configured to use workflow at the instance or Site level.

Figure 1: Workflow is enabled in the Control Panel or in Site Administration for most Liferay DXP assets.

Figure 1: Workflow is enabled in the Control Panel or in Site Administration for most Liferay DXP assets.

Forms is different, and that’s why its assets don’t appear in the above image. There are so many use cases for forms, and there could be so many per site, that a site- or instance-scoped workflow configuration won’t serve your needs well. Instead, configure workflow for each form separately.

Enabling Workflow in a Form

To enable workflow in a form,

  1. Open the form’s editor by opening the Menu, selecting your Site, navigating to Content → Forms, and clicking on the form you want.

    Figure 2: Navigate directly to a form to enable workflow.

    Figure 2: Navigate directly to a form to enable workflow.

  2. Click the Options button (Options) and choose Settings.

  3. The Settings window has a Select a Workflow drop-down. Find the workflow you want, select it, and then click Done.

    Figure 3: Enable workflow for each form in its Settings window.

    Figure 3: Enable workflow for each form in its Settings window.

Testing the Workflow

Test the workflow process:

  1. Add the form to a page.

  2. Click Submit for Publication to submit the form entry.

Next go find the form entry in the Forms widget:

  1. Go back to the Forms application in the Menu in your Site’s Content section.

  2. Click the Form’s Actions button (Actions) and select View Entries.

    The entry is currently marked Pending.

Now approve the form record:

  1. Navigate to My Account → My Workflow tasks.

  2. Click the Assigned to My Roles tab.

  3. Click on the form entry.

  4. Click the Actions button (Actions) and choose Assign to Me.

  5. Click Done.

  6. Click the Actions button (Actions) again, then click Approve.

  7. Click Done again.

  8. Navigate back to the View Entries screen for the form, and now the entry is marked as Approved.

Figure 4: Each entrys status is visible in the Forms applications Form Entries screen.

Figure 4: Each entry's status is visible in the Forms application's Form Entries screen.

Example Use Case: Win a Free, All-Inclusive Trip to the Lunar Resort

The Lunar Resort is giving away a free, all-inclusive trip to several lucky families. All a user must do is click the I Want a Free Trip link from the Site home page, to see a form they can fill out and submit in under three minutes:

Figure 5: The Lunar Resort Giveaway form is ready to be filled out.

Figure 5: The Lunar Resort Giveaway form is ready to be filled out.

The Lunar Resort wants to exclude folks who don’t meet certain qualifications:

  • Exclude families with more than five persons in the household.
  • Prioritize families who’ve never visited The Lunar resort.
  • Exclude anyone who’s on the resort’s naughty list, appropriately titled “The Dark Side of the Moon.”

To compile a list of finalists, each form entry should go through a workflow with one review task. The Single Approver workflow works nicely for this.

After creating the form in the above image, select the Single Approver workflow from the form’s Settings window, as described in the above section. Publish the form, then fill out and submit an entry. The administrative user receives a notification that a form record was submitted. Go to the View Entries screen and see that the form record is currently marked as Pending. Once the review is completed, it’s marked as Approved.

Figure 6: Assign a workflow to a form in several steps.

Figure 6: Assign a workflow to a form in several steps.

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