Managing Campaigns

A campaign is an effort to expose certain user segments to a set of assets within a specific period of time. To manage campaigns for a Site,

  1. Navigate to Site AdministrationConfigurationAudience TargetingCampaigns.

  2. To create a new campaign, select the (Add Campaign) button.

  3. Set a Name and *Description.

  4. Select the User Segments to target, a Start Date, an End Date, and a Priority.

  5. Indicate if the campaign you create should be active or inactive.

  6. Click Save.

The user segments you select when creating a campaign represent users targeted by the campaign. The start and end dates together specify the duration of the campaign. There can be multiple campaigns active at the same time that target the same user segments. In these situations, the priority attribute of the campaigns determines which campaign takes precedence. Finally, you can activate or deactivate a campaign via the Active attribute of a campaign. Deactivating a campaign disables the effect of the campaign. A deactivated campaign can be reactivated later. It can be useful to deactivate a campaign if a problem is found with the way content is being displayed. Once the problem has been corrected, the campaign can be reactivated.

Figure 1: Navigate to Site Administration and click Configuration → Audience Targeting → Campaigns to manage campaigns for a Site.

Figure 1: Navigate to Site Administration and click *Configuration* → *Audience Targeting* → *Campaigns* to manage campaigns for a Site.

For example, suppose you wanted to display certain content (life advertisements for your new Android app) to female baseball fans during the months leading up to the World Series. You could use the Gender rule (configured to female), the Device Rule (configured for Android devices), and the Score Points rule to define a user segment called Female Baseball Fans. The Score points rule assigns one point to a user each time the user visits a page or views an asset categorized under the user segment Female Baseball Fans. When a user accumulates a certain number of points (specified by the value of the Score Points rule’s Score Points Threshold attribute), the user matches this rule. Once you have the user segment, you can create a new campaign targeting this segment, select start and end dates, choose a priority, choose Active, and then click Save. To present content to the users belonging to the Female Baseball Fans user segment, you must use the Campaign Content Display application.

Once you’ve created a campaign, you can open its summary view, which displays relevant data and configurations.

Figure 2: Select a pre-existing campaign to view its Summary page.

Figure 2: Select a pre-existing campaign to view its Summary page.

To configure permissions for creating, editing, and deleting user segments, visit the Roles section of the Control Panel. Then click on the ActionsDefine Permissions button corresponding to the Role you want to configure permissions for, and search for Audience Targeting.

Managing Campaign Priorities

The priority of your campaigns becomes important when multiple campaigns are running at the same time on your website. The Campaign Content Display application can be configured to display content based on the campaign your users match. When a user matches multiple campaigns, the one with the highest priority takes precedence.

If you have several Campaign Content Display applications around your website configured to display different content per campaign, changing the priority of one campaign automatically affects all Campaign Content Display applications. Similarly, if a campaign is deactivated or if a campaign’s date range is exceeded, all Campaign Content Display applications on your website are affected.

« Categorizing Pages and Content for User SegmentsDefining Metrics »
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