Audience Targeting System Settings

Audience Targeting’s configuration options are provided in System Settings. Configurations made here take effect system-wide. You can find Audience Targeting system settings by navigating to the Control Panel → ConfigurationSystem SettingsAudience Targeting. The following options are available for the Audience Targeting apps:

The settings described here are unique to the Audience Targeting application. Some system setting groups may have more configurations than what are defined here; unspecified settings are generic configurations that are applied across many Liferay DXP applications.

Audience Targeting Analytics Service

These settings define the general behavior of the Audience Targeting Analytics modules.

Analytics events check interval: Defines the interval (in days) between data check events.

Analytics events max age: Defines the max age (in days) of events stored in the analytics tables. When a check event is triggered, entries older than the max age are removed.

Analytics flush interval: Defines the interval (in ms) between flushes of the analytics event buffer on the client-side.

Get analytics key: Currently only used for testing purposes.

Content tracking enabled: Enables Audience Targeting.

Form excluded ids reg exp: Defines forms’ excluded IDs using regular expressions.

Form tracking enabled: Enables tracking capabilities for forms.

Form interaction tracking enabled: Enables tracking capabilities for interactions.

Form submit tracking enabled: Enables tracking capabilities for form submissions.

Form view tracking enabled: Enables tracking capabilities for form views.

Link excluded ids reg exp: Defines links’ excluded IDs using regular expressions.

Link tracking enabled: Enables tracking capabilities for links.

Link click tracking enabled: Enables tracking capabilities for clicking events on links.

Page tracking enabled: Enables tracking capabilities for pages.

YouTube tracking enabled: Enables tracking capabilities for YouTube videos.

Audience Targeting Analytics Storage

These settings configure the analytics engine used by Audience Targeting.

External storage enabled: Enables analytics storage.

External storage driver class name: Defines the external driver class name for analytics storage.

External storage URL: Defines the external storage URL for analytics storage.

External storage username: Defines the external storage user name for analytics storage.

External storage password: Defines the external storage password for analytics storage.

Audience Targeting Service

These settings define the cleaning task for the record of user assignments (anonymous and registered) to user segments (i.e. the AnonymousUserUserSegment table).

Anonymous user user segment check interval: Defines the interval (in days) between data check events.

Anonymous user user segment max age: Defines the max age (in days) of records stored in the AnonymousUserUserSegment table. When a check event is triggered, entries older than the max age are removed.

Campaign Content Report

These settings configure campaign content reports.

Campaign content report check interval: Defines the report check interval (in hours) for campaign content. Since the lifetime of events in the Analytics tables is limited to the Analytics events max age, reports must retrieve and process the latest events from Analytics with a shorter time interval.

Campaign Tracking Actions Report

These settings configure campaign tracking action reports.

Campaign tracking action report check interval: Defines the report check interval (in hours) for campaign tracking actions. Since the lifetime of events in the Analytics tables is limited to the Analytics events max age, reports must retrieve and process the latest events from Analytics with a shorter time interval.

User Segment Content Report

These settings configure user segment content reports.

User segment content report check interval: Defines the report check interval (in hours) for user segment content. Since the lifetime of events in the Analytics tables is limited to the Analytics events max age, reports must retrieve and process the latest events from Analytics with a shorter time interval.

« Simulating User Segments and CampaignsLiferay Audience Targeting Rules »
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