Follow these steps to create a user group:
Open the Menu (
) and select Control Panel → Users → Users Groups. Any existing user groups appear here in a table.
Click the Add button (
). This opens the New User Group form.
Give your user group a name and description.
If you want to create My Profile and/or My Dashboard pages for the user group’s members, select a Site Template to use from the My Profile and My Dashboard selector menus.
Click Save. The new user group then appears in the table.
Note that new user groups don’t have any users. The next section shows you how to add members to a user group.
Figure 1: The New User Group form.
Figure 2: The user group you just created now appears in the table.
Assigning Members to a User Group
Follow these steps to add existing users to a user group:
If you’re not already there, open the Menu (
) and select Control Panel → Users → Users Groups. The available user groups appear here in a table.
Click Actions (
) → Assign Members for the user group you want to add users to. The group’s existing users appear in a table.
Click the Add button (
). This opens a list of the users you can select.
Select one or more users from the list, then click Add. This adds the selected users to the group, and returns you to the table containing the group’s users. The users you added now appear in the table.
Figure 3: Select the users to add to the user group.