Installing Elasticsearch

Liferay DXP uses Elasticsearch to index its content. By default, Liferay DXP uses Elasticsearch as an embedded service. It works, but this is not a supported configuration for a production server. Feel free to use it while you’re testing or developing, but when you’re ready to put your site in production, you’ll need to run Elasticsearch as a standalone process. This is better anyway, because it frees you to design your infrastructure the way you want it. If you’ve got hardware or a VM to spare, you can separate your search infrastructure from Liferay DXP and reap some performance gains by putting search on a separate box. If you’re more budget-conscious, you can still increase performance by running Elasticsearch in a separate, individually tunable JVM on the same box.

Installing Elasticsearch for Liferay DXP is pretty easy and takes only six steps:

  1. Find the version of Elasticsearch that’s embedded in the version of Liferay DXP you have, and then download that version from Elastic’s website.

  2. Install Elasticsearch by extracting its archive to the system where you want it to run.

  3. Install some required Elasticsearch plugins.

  4. Name your Elasticsearch cluster.

  5. Configure Liferay DXP to connect to your Elasticsearch cluster.

  6. Restart Liferay DXP and reindex your search and spell check indexes.

Now you’ll actually perform these steps, and when you’re done, you’ll have a production-ready instance of Liferay DXP up and running. After you’re done following the installation guide, refer to the Configuring Elasticsearch article for more details on configuring Liferay DXP for Elasticsearch. For more information on installing a search engine, see here.

Step One: Find the Right Version of Elasticsearch

If Liferay DXP isn’t running, start it.

Visit port 9200 on localhost to access the embedded Elasticsearch:


A JSON document is returned that varies slightly, but should look similar to this:

  "name" : "Wiz Kid",
  "cluster_name" : "LiferayElasticsearchCluster",
  "version" : {
    "number" : "2.4.0",
    "build_hash" : "8ff36d139e16f8720f2947ef62c8167a888992fe",
    "build_timestamp" : "2016-08-27T13:32:39Z",
    "build_snapshot" : false,
    "lucene_version" : "5.5.2"
  "tagline" : "You Know, for Search"

The version of Elasticsearch that’s running is the value of the "number" field. In this example, it’s 2.4.0.

Now that you know the version of Elasticsearch you need, go to Elastic’s website and download that version.

Step Two: Install Elasticsearch

Most of this step entails deciding where you want to run Elasticsearch. Do you want to run it on the same machine as Liferay DXP, or do you want to run it on its own hardware? The answer to this question comes down to a combination of the resources you have available and the size of your installation. Regardless of what you decide, either way you get the benefit of a separately tunable search infrastructure.

Once you have a copy of the right version of Elasticsearch, extract it to a folder on the machine where you want it running. That’s all there is to this step.

Step Three: Install Elasticsearch Plugins

Install the following required Elasticsearch plugins:

  • analysis-icu
  • analysis-kuromoji
  • analysis-smartcn
  • analysis-stempel

To install these plugins, navigate to Elasticsearch Home and enter

./bin/plugin install [plugin-name]

Replace [plugin-name] with the Elasticsearch plugin’s name.

Step Four: Name Your Elasticsearch Cluster

A cluster in Elasticsearch is a collection of nodes (servers) identified as a cluster by a shared cluster name. The nodes work together to share data and workload. A one node cluster is discussed here; to create a multi-node cluster, please refer to Elastic’s documentation.

Now that you’ve installed Elastic, it sits in a folder on your machine, which is referred to here as [Elasticsearch Home]. To name your cluster, you’ll define the cluster name in both Elasticsearch and in Liferay DXP. First, define it in Elasticsearch. Edit the following file:

[Elasticsearch Home]/config/elasticsearch.yml

Uncomment the line that begins with Set the cluster name to whatever you want to name your cluster: LiferayElasticsearchCluster

Of course, this isn’t a very imaginative name; you may choose to name your cluster finders_keepers or something else you can remember more easily. Save the file.

Now you can start Elasticsearch. Run the executable for your operating system from the [Elasticsearch Home]/bin folder:


Elasticsearch starts, and one of its status messages includes a transport address:

2016-05-03 16:33:28,358][INFO ][transport] [Hobgoblin II] publish_address {}, bound_addresses {[::1]:9300}, {}

Take note of this address; you’ll need to give it to your Liferay DXP server so it can find Elasticsearch on the network.

Step Five: Configure Liferay DXP to Connect to your Elasticsearch Cluster

Now you’re ready to configure Liferay DXP. Start Liferay DXP if you haven’t already, log in, and then click on Control PanelConfigurationSystem SettingsFoundation. Find Elasticsearch (or Elasticsearch 6)in the list of settings and click on it. Now you can configure it. Here are the options you need to change:

Cluster name: Enter the name of the cluster as you defined it in Elasticsearch.

Operation mode: Defaults to EMBEDDED. Change it to REMOTE to connect to a standalone Elasticsearch.

Transport addresses: Enter a delimited list of transport addresses for Elasticsearch nodes. Here, you’ll enter the transport address from the Elasticsearch server you started. The default value is localhost:9300, which will work.

When finished, click Save. You’re almost done.

Step Six: Restart Liferay DXP and Reindex

Stop and restart Liferay DXP. When it’s back up, log in as an administrative user and

  1. Click on Control PanelConfigurationServer Administration

  2. Click the Execute button for Reindex all search indexes. When you do that, you should see some messages scroll up in the Elasticsearch log.

  3. Click Execute for Reindex all spell check indexes.

For more details refer to the Elasticsearch installation guide.

You’re almost done! The only thing left is to make sure Marketplace is working and optionally configure portal security.

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