Facebook Connect Single Sign On Authentication

Facebook Connect SSO authentication is an integration with Facebook’s Graph API. It retrieves the user’s Facebook profile information and matches it to existing Liferay DXP users (either by Facebook ID or by email address). Once the user’s primary Facebook email address is found, the Facebook Connect SSO authentication module searches for the same email address in Liferay DXP’s User_ table. If a match is found, the user is signed on, provided that the required permissions have been granted on the Facebook side.

If a match isn’t made, the user is prompted in Liferay DXP to add a user from Facebook. When new Liferay DXP users are added this way, they are created by retrieving the following four fields from Facebook:

  • Email address
  • First name
  • Last name
  • Gender

In order to integrate Liferay DXP with Facebook, you must first create an “application” on Facebook’s website. This is necessary because Facebook Connect requires Liferay DXP to authenticate using the OAuth 2.0 protocol. Facebook provides you the necessary application ID and secret used in OAuth messages sent between Liferay DXP and Facebook. One benefit of this is that a Facebook user can revoke Liferay DXP’s access at any time.

Managing Facebook Connect SSO Authentication

Apply Facebook Connect SSO configuration at the system scope or instance scope. To configure the Facebook Connect SSO module at the System level, navigate to Liferay DXP’s Control Panel → Configuration → System Settings* → SecuritySSOFacebook Connect. The values configured here provide the default values for all portal instances.

To override these defaults for a particular portal instance, navigate to Liferay DXP’s Control Panel, click on Instance Settings, and find Facebook within the Authentication section.

Enabled: Check this box to enable Facebook Connect SSO authentication.

Require Verified Account: Check this box to allow logins by Facebook users who have gone through the Facebook email verification process to prove that they can access the inbox associated with the email address they provided when registering for a Facebook account.

Application ID: This can only be set at the portal instance level. Enter the ID of your registered Facebook application.

Application Secret: This can only be set at the portal instance level. Enter the secret of your registered Facebook application.

Graph URL: This is the base URL of the Facebook graph API. Only change this if Facebook changes their graph API. If Facebook’s graph API remains unchanged, use the default graph URL.

OAuth Authorization URL: This is Facebook’s OAuth authorization URL. You will only need to change this if Facebook changes their OAuth authorization endpoint. This URL will be decorated with dynamic data and linked to from the Liferay Sign In portlet.

OAuth Token URL: This is Facebook’s OAuth access token URL. Liferay DXP uses this URL to exchange a request token for an access token.

OAuth Redirect URL: This is the URL that the user will be directed to once an OAuth request token has been generated. The URL points to a Liferay DXP service which exchanges the request token for the access token which is required in order for Liferay DXP to make successful calls to the Facebook Graph API. You should only need to change this URL if requests to your Liferay DXP instance need to go via a fronting webserver such as Apache that does URL rewriting.

« NTLM Single Sign On AuthenticationAuthenticating with Kerberos »
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