Deprecated Apps in 7.1: What to Do

During the development of any software product, it’s sometimes necessary to stop development on or remove outdated or unpopular features. Liferay DXP 7.1 is no different. Liferay has deprecated several apps in Liferay DXP 7.1. It’s important to note what, exactly, deprecated means here.

There are three types of deprecated apps:

  1. Deprecated apps that remain in Liferay DXP, but will be removed in a future release.

  2. Deprecated apps that have been removed from Liferay DXP, yet are still available for download via Liferay Marketplace or Liferay’s public Nexus repository. For instructions on installing apps, see the Managing Apps documentation.

  3. Deprecated apps that have been removed from Liferay DXP and aren’t available for download.

This article lists the apps deprecated in Liferay DXP 7.1, along with their availability.


App Availability Notes
Documentum ConnectorRemoved
Events ListRemoved
Friend RequestsRemoved
Group StatisticsNexus
IP GeocoderRemoved
Media WikiRemoved
Message Boards Subscription ManagerRemoved
Private MessagingRemoved
Quick NoteNexus
Recently DownloadedNexus
Social ActivityNexus
Social NetworkingNexusFormerly available as an unsupported Labs app via Marketplace.
User StatisticsNexus


App Availability Notes
AlloyUIRelease (bundle)Replaced by Metal.js.
CMIS StoreWill be removedMigrate to another Document Repository Store option. Before upgrading to Liferay DXP 7.1, migrate your document store data using Data Migration in Server Administration.
Columns LayoutRemoved
Google LoginRelease (bundle)Replaced by OpenID Connect.
JCRStoreWill be removedMigrate to another Document Repository Store option. Before upgrading to Liferay DXP 7.1, migrate your document store data using Data Migration in Server Administration.
Marvel IntegrationRemovedReplaced by X-Pack.
OpenIDRelease (bundle)Replaced by OpenID Connect.
OpenSocial GadgetRemoved
Plugins SDKGitHubDeprecated in 7.0. Replaced by Liferay Workspace.
Project Template: project-templates-content-targeting-reportGitHubNo replacement.
Project Template: project-templates-content-targeting-ruleGitHubNo replacement.
Project Template: project-templates-content-targeting-tracking-actionGitHubNo replacement.
Project Template: project-templates-social-bookmarkGitHubNo replacement.
Ruby ConsoleRemoved
Search PortletRelease (bundle)Will be removed in a future release. Replaced by the Search widgets.
Shield IntegrationRemovedReplaced by X-Pack.
Template EnginesRelease (bundle)Replaced by Freemarker.
vLDAP plugin (Virtual LDAP Server EE)Removed
WYSIWYGNexus → Will be removed.Final version released for 7.0.

Web Experience

App Availability Notes
RSS PublisherRelease (bundle)See the article on enabling and using this widget.
User Group Pages (Copy Mode)Release (bundle)
Web Proxy PortletNexus
Web Content Search PortletNexusThe new Search widget can be configured to replace all the unique functionality of the Web Content Search
Web Content ListRemovedThe Asset Publisher can be configured to replace all the unique functionality of the Web Content List

Forms and Workflow

App Availability Notes
Web FormNexus → Will be removed.Final version released for 7.0.


App Availability Notes
OAuth 1.0aMarketplaceReplaced by OAuth 2.0, which is included in the bundle.
OpenIDRelease (bundle)Low usage. Use OpenID Connect instead.
« Upgrading a Sharded EnvironmentIntroduction to Monitoring Liferay DXP »
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