Leveraging Template Editors for Notifications

Designer lets you leverage the FreeMarker editor to customize templates for your workflow notifications. A FreeMarker editor comes bundled with Developer Studio.

Creating Notifications

To access the template editor, click on the node of your choice and select the Notifications sub-tab in the Properties view. Create a new notification by clicking the green “plus” symbol.

Figure 1: When creating a notification, Developer Studio offers several options, like choosing  a template language.

Figure 1: When creating a notification, Developer Studio offers several options, like choosing a template language.

There are several fields to fill in for your notification:

  • Name
  • Template Language
  • Execution Type
  • Notification Type
  • Notification Transports
  • Addresses

Click the pencil icon to open the editor associated with your notification’s template language. Like the script editor, the template editor’s Palette view lists entities that you can drag and drop onto your workflow diagram.

Because Developer Studio lets you leverage a full featured FreeMarker template editor, content-assist is available for you to use right away. For example, content-assist suggests FreeMarker functions when you are editing your notification template. In addition, when you’re doing a FreeMarker variable insertion, the editor gives you all the available variables that are a part of the Kaleo workflow. You can visit the documentation pages for FreeMarker for more information on the variables and functions available.

Let’s continue editing our ticket process workflow. After completion of the QA task assignments, our Project Management team should be notified. To set up a notifcation email, we’ll add a new task node that transitions from our join node. This new task node will hold our email notification. Typically, we’d assign this task to a project management role and email it to the project management team’s email alias. For demonstration purposes, we’ll use “Joe Blogs” for both purposes. As mentioned previously, you can specify an existing user that has an email or create a user with screen name “joe” having your email address. This process is similar to how we assigned our previous task nodes.

  1. Drag a new Task node onto your workflow diagram.

  2. Name the new node Project Management and select Assign to a specific user.

  3. Click Next.

  4. Enter Screen name “joe”.

  5. Click Finish.

Now we just need to incorporate the Project Management node into our workflow process. Add a transition named Passed QA from our join node to the Project Management node. Lastly, add a transition named Completed from our Project Management node to our EndNode. Here’s an updated screenshot of what your workflow diagram should look like:

Figure 2: Our workflow diagram is busy now; but were not finished yet!

Figure 2: Our workflow diagram is busy now; but we're not finished yet!

Let’s create our email notification for our Project Management task node next. Click on the Project Management node and select Notifications in the Properties window.

To create the email notification, follow these steps:

  1. Click the green “plus” symbol to create a new notification.

  2. In the Name text field, enter “ticket process email”.

  3. Select FreeMarker from the Template Language drop-down menu.

  4. Select On entry from the Execution type drop-down menu.

  5. Select email under Notification transports.

Now open the FreeMarker template editor by clicking the pencil icon beneath the green “plus” symbol.

Insert FreeMarker code into the FreeMarker editor to specify your email notification template. We’ve provided an example email notification code snippet written in FreeMarker.

<#assign comments = taskComments!"">
<#assign portalURL = serviceContext.portalURL!"">
<#assign wTasksURL = portalURL+"/group/control_panel/manage?p_p_id=153&p_p_lifecycle=0&p_p_state=maximized&p_p_mode=view&doAsGroupId="+groupId+"&refererPlid=">

<!-- email body -->
<p> There is a new submission of ${entryType} waiting for review in the workflow. </p>

<!-- personal message to assignee -->
<p> Please review the code waiting for you in your workflow tasks.
<#if comments != "" > <br/> Assignment comment says: <strong>${comments}</strong> </#if>
<p> <a href="${wTasksURL}">Click here</a> to see workflow tasks assigned to you. </p>

<!-- signature -->
<p>Sincerely,<br /><strong>Liferay Portal Workflow</strong></p>

The snapshot below illustrates what the snippet sends to the configured email recipient.

Figure 3: This is how the email notification will appear when its received.

Figure 3: This is how the email notification will appear when it's received.

Your email notification is set up! Now, when the Project Management task node is activated in the workflow, the specified user (i.e. joe) will receive the notification email, all dressed up with your FreeMarker template (you might say it’s all dressed up with somewhere to go).

With template editors, customizing your notification templates is easier than ever. FreeMarker comes bundled with Developer Studio so it’s obviously the simplest solution.

Here’s what the XML source looks like (with the embedded FreeMarker template) for the Project Management task we created:

    <name>project management</name>
            <name>ticket process email</name>
            <template>/* specify task notification template */
                &lt;#assign comments = taskcomments!&quot;&quot;&gt;
                &lt;#assign portalurl = servicecontext.portalurl!&quot;&quot;&gt;
                &lt;#assign wtasksurl = portalurl+&quot;/group/control_panel/manage?p_p_id=153&amp;p_p_lifecycle=0&amp;p_p_state=maximized&amp;p_p_mode=view&amp;doasgroupid=&quot;+groupid+&quot;&amp;refererplid=&quot;&gt;
                &lt;!-- email body --&gt;
                &lt;p&gt; there is a new submission of ${entrytype} waiting for review in the workflow. &lt;/p&gt;
                &lt;!-- personal message to assignee --&gt;
                &lt;p&gt; please review the code waiting for you in your workflow tasks.
                &lt;#if comments != &quot;&quot; &gt; &lt;br/&gt; assignment comment says: &lt;strong&gt;${comments}&lt;/strong&gt; &lt;/#if&gt;
                &lt;p&gt; &lt;a href=&quot;${wtasksurl}&quot;&gt;click here&lt;/a&gt; to see workflow tasks assigned to you. &lt;/p&gt;
                &lt;!-- signature --&gt;
                &lt;p&gt;sincerely,&lt;br /&gt;&lt;strong&gt;liferay portal workflow&lt;/strong&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

In the next section you’ll see a list of workflow and service context content you can use when creating a customized script or template.

Workflow Context and Service Context Variables

A context variable provides a uniform variable to insert into your templates and scripts. When executed, a context variable is automatically deleted and replaced with the value pertaining to that key. When you create notifications for a workflow, assign Liferay portal context variables for a cleaner and more efficient process. With context variables, your notifications become more customizable, rather than following the same format for every recipient. The context variables you declare in your notifications refer to your Liferay instance and the values it holds for your declarations.

Below you’ll see tables listing numerous context variables and service context content. The context variables are the first table, followed by the service context content for web content, blog entries, and message board messages. We’ve separated service context content from the workflow context variables because service context keys depend on asset type, while context variables don’t. Also, note the asterisks (*); they’re used to flag context variables that depend on workflow activity.

Workflow Context Variables*

companyid  java.lang.string   primary key of the company
entryclassname  java.lang.stringclass name for entry used by the task (e.g. com.liferay.portlet.journal.model.journalarticle)
entryclasspk  java.lang.stringprimary key of the entry class
entrytype  java.lang.stringtype of entry used by the task (e.g. web content, blog entry, mb message)
groupid  java.lang.stringprimary key of the assigned group
taskcomments*  java.lang.stringworkflow comments assigned to the task
taskname*  java.lang.stringworkflow task that activates the notification (e.g. review)
transitionname*  java.lang.stringname of transition pointing to the task (e.g. approve)
userid  java.lang.stringprimary key of the assigned user

Web Content Service Context Variables - obtain via key servicecontext

articleid  java.lang.string   primary key of the web content
articleurl  java.lang.stringlink to the web content in maximized mode
assetlinkentryids  java.lang.stringprimary keys of the asset entries linked to the web content
assetlinkssearchcontainerprimarykeys  java.lang.stringprimary keys of the asset link search container
assettagnames  java.lang.stringtag names applied the asset
autoarticleid  java.lang.stringboolean variable indicating whether an article id is generated (e.g. false)
classnameid  java.lang.stringprimary key of the class name used by the task
classpk  java.lang.stringprimary key of the model entity
content  java.lang.stringcontent of the web content
defaultLanguageId  java.lang.StringPrimary key of the default language (e.g. en_US)
description_en_US  java.lang.StringDescription of the web content (in English)
displayDateDay  java.lang.StringCalendar day the web content is set to display (e.g. 12)
displayDateHour  java.lang.StringHour the web content is set to display (e.g. 4)
displayDateMinute  java.lang.StringMinute the web content is set to display (e.g. 26)
displayDateMonth  java.lang.StringMonth the web content is set to display (e.g. 5)
displayDateYear  java.lang.StringYear the web content is set to display (e.g. 2012)
doAsGroupId  java.lang.StringPrimary key of the organization associated with the web content
folderId  java.lang.StringPrimary key of the web content’s folder
indexable  java.lang.StringBoolean variable indicating whether the web content is searchable (e.g. true)
indexableCheckbox  java.lang.StringBoolean variable indicating whether the Searchable checkbox is checked (e.g. false)
inputPermissionsShowOptions  java.lang.StringBoolean variable indicating whether permission options are viewable (e.g. true)
inputPermissionsViewRole  java.lang.StringRole type that has permission to view web content (e.g. Site Member)
languageId  java.lang.StringPrimary key of the selected language (e.g. en_US)
localized  java.lang.StringBoolean variable indicating whether the Localizable checkbox is selected (e.g. false)
neverExpire  java.lang.StringBoolean variable indicating whether the web content is set to expire (e.g. true)
neverExpireCheckbox  java.lang.StringBoolean variable indicating whether the Never Auto Expire checkbox is checked (e.g. false)
neverReview  java.lang.StringBoolean variable indicating whether the web content is set to review (e.g. true)
neverReviewCheckbox  java.lang.StringBoolean variable indicating whether the Never Review checkbox is checked (e.g. false)
refererPlid  java.lang.StringPrimary key of the page hosting the web content
smallImage  java.lang.StringIndicates whether a small image is being used (e.g. on)
smallImageURL  java.lang.StringURL for the web content’s attached image
structureDescription  java.lang.StringDescription of the configured structure
structureId  java.lang.StringPrimary key of the configured structure
structureName  java.lang.StringName of the configured structure
structureXSD  java.lang.StringThe XML schema definition used for the configured structure
templateId  java.lang.StringPrimary key of the configured template
title_en_US  java.lang.StringTitle of the web content (in English)
type  java.lang.StringCategorization type associated with the web content (e.g. Press Release)
variableName  java.lang.StringCustom variable name set for the web content’s configured structure (e.g. Content)
version  java.lang.StringCurrent version of the web content (e.g. 1.0)
workflowAction  java.lang.StringNumerical value for the workflow action in progress (e.g. 1)

Blog Entry Service Context Variables - obtain via key serviceContext

assetLinkEntryIds  java.lang.String   Primary keys of the asset entries linked to the blog entry
assetLinksSearchContainerPrimaryKeys  java.lang.StringPrimary keys of the asset entries linked to the blog entry
assetTagNames  java.lang.StringTag names applied the asset (e.g. history, news, programming)
attachments  java.lang.StringBoolean variable indicating if blog entry has any attachments (e.g. true)
content  java.lang.StringContent of the blog entry
description  java.lang.StringDescription of the blog entry (e.g. The comparison between two Fortune 500 companies)
displayDateAmPm  java.lang.StringTime “period” (based on the 12-hour clock) the blog entry is set to display (AM=0, PM=1)
displayDateDay  java.lang.StringCalendar day the blog entry is set to display (e.g. 3)
displayDateHour  java.lang.StringHour the blog entry is set to display (e.g. 26)
displayDateMinute  java.lang.StringMinute the blog entry is set to display (e.g. 32)
displayDateMonth  java.lang.StringMonth the blog entry is set to display (e.g. 8)
displayDateYear  java.lang.StringYear the blog entry is set to display (e.g 2012)
doAsGroupId  java.lang.StringPrimary key of the organization associated with the blog entry
editor  java.lang.StringContent of the blog entry (equivalent to the content value)
entryId  java.lang.StringPrimary key of the blog entry
refererPlid  java.lang.StringPrimary key of the page hosting the blog entry
smallImage  java.lang.StringIndicates whether a small image is being used (e.g. on)
smallImageURL  java.lang.StringURL for the blog entry’s attached image
title  java.lang.StringTitle of the blog entry (e.g. My Blog Entry)
workflowAction  java.lang.StringNumerical value for the workflow action in progress (e.g. 2)

Message Board Message Service Context Variables - obtain via key serviceContext*

anonymous  java.lang.StringBoolean variable indicating if message is anonymous (e.g. true)
assetLinkEntryIds  java.lang.StringPrimary keys of the asset entries linked to the message
assetLinksSearchContainerPrimaryKeys  java.lang.StringPrimary keys of the asset link search container
assetTagNames  java.lang.StringTag names applied the asset (e.g. sea, sailing, swimming)
attachments  java.lang.StringBoolean variable indicating whether the message has any attachments (e.g. false)
body  java.lang.StringContent of the message
editor  java.lang.StringContent of the message (equivalent to the body value)
mbCategoryId  java.lang.StringPrimary key of the message’s category
messageId  java.lang.StringPrimary key of the message
parentMessageId  java.lang.StringPrimary key of the message’s parent message
preview  java.lang.Boolean  Boolean variable indicating if message is available to preview (e.g. true)
question  java.lang.StringBoolean variable indicating if message is marked as a question (e.g. false)
subject  java.lang.StringSubject line of the message (e.g. My MB Subject)
threadId  java.lang.StringPrimary key of the message board thread hosting the message
workflowAction  java.lang.StringNumerical value for the workflow action in progress (e.g. 3)

Documents and Media Service Context Variables - obtain via key serviceContext

assetLinkEntryIds  java.lang.StringPrimary keys of the asset entries linked to the message
assetLinksSearchContainerPrimaryKeys  java.lang.StringPrimary keys of the asset link search container
assetTagNames  java.lang.StringTag names applied the asset (e.g. sea, sailing, swimming)
cmd  java.lang.StringTag names applied the asset (e.g. sea, sailing, swimming)
workflowAction  java.lang.StringNumerical value for the workflow action in progress (e.g. 3)

Now that the Ticket Process Definition is complete, learn how to publish it and configure it inside the portal next.

« Installing Kaleo Designer for JavaPublishing and Configuring Workflows »
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