Creating a Navigation Menu With the Liferay UI Icon Menu Tag

Liferay contains some standard navigation elements that are used throughout its interface. You can use the same elements, because they are encapsulated into tags that build those elements for you. Liferay UI provides the Icon Menu tag to create a pop-up navigation menu.

This tutorial covers how to configure and use the liferay-ui:icon-menu tag.

Now that you know what the icon menu can do for you, it’s time to see how to use it.

Setting Up the Liferay UI Icon Menu Tag

The liferay-ui:icon-menu tag takes a list of child components and renders them in a menu. The example below shows how to add and use the liferay-ui:icon-menu tag in the view.jsp of a portlet:

  • Step 1: Reference the liferay-ui Taglib.
  • Step 2: Configure the icon-menu Tags in the View JSP.
  • Step 3: Insert and Configure the liferay-ui:icon Tags inside of the icon-menu Tags.

Go through each of these steps to create menus in your application.

Step 1: Reference the liferay-ui Taglib

  1. Open the view.jsp of your portlet. Create one if it does not already exist.

  2. Add a directive to reference the liferay-ui taglib:

    <%@ taglib uri="" prefix="liferay-ui" %>

You can now use the liferay-ui tags in your portlet! Onward to step 2.

Step 2: Configure the icon-menu Tags in the View JSP

Inside your portlet’s view.jsp, add the liferay-ui:icon-menu tags at the bottom:



You’ll place all your icons for your menu inside the tags you just added. Onward to step 3!

Step 3: Insert and Configure the liferay-ui:icon Tags inside of the icon-menu Tags

In this step you’ll add the icons that you wish to display in your icon menu.

Still inside the view.jsp nest the liferay-ui:icon tags inside the liferay-ui:icon-menu tags:

        <liferay-ui:icon iconCssClass="icon-user" message="Use" url="" />
        <liferay-ui:icon iconCssClass="icon-film" message="Film" url="" />
        <liferay-ui:icon iconCssClass="icon-edit" message="Edit" url="" />
        <liferay-ui:icon iconCssClass="icon-trash" message="Trash" url="" />

Repeat the step above to create as many icons as you need for your navigation menu. It’s important to note that the icons must have their url attribute configured in order to render properly in the icon menu. The settings above create a default menu with default attributes. You can configure the available attributes for the icon menu tag to give your menu more of a custom flare. The list below gives some of the available attributes along with how to configure them. You can view the full list of attributes here.

direction: Sets the direction the menu pops up relative to the button that triggers the icon menu. The default value is left. Possible values are left, right, up, or down.

maxDisplayItems: Sets the number of icons to display in the visible area of the menu before scrolling. The default value is 15.

message: Sets the text to be displayed on the button trigger for the icon menu. The default value is actions.

showArrow: Sets whether to display a arrow on the button trigger to indicate a pop-up menu. The default value is true.

useIconCaret: Sets whether to point the arrow on the button trigger towards the direction set by the direction attribute. The default value is false.

With the settings above, your icon menu should look like the figure below:

Figure 1: Setting up an icon menu is a piece of cake.

Figure 1: Setting up an icon menu is a piece of cake.

As you can see, the liferay-ui:icon-menu tag is easy to use.

Using Liferay UI Tabs and Sections

Creating a Navigation Menu with the Liferay UI Icon List Tag

Using Liferay-UI:Success and Liferay-UI:Error Messages

« Using Icons with the liferay-ui TaglibCreating a Navigation Menu With the liferay-ui:icon-list Tag »
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