Using the portlet:renderURL UI Component

The Liferay Faces Bridge component suite provides many Portlet 2.0 UIComponent tags that are useful for JSF development. In this tutorial, you’ll learn about the portlet:renderURL tag.

If the var attribute is present, the portlet:renderURL tag introduces an EL variable that contains a javax.portlet.PortletURL, adequate for rendering. Otherwise, the URL is written to the response.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<f:view xmlns=""
    <h:head />
            <portlet:renderURL var="myRenderURL">
                <portlet:param name="foo" value="1234" />
            <h:outputText var="actionURL=#{myRenderURL}" />

Fantastic! You can add another UIComponent to your repertoire!

Liferay Faces Alloy UI Components

Understanding Liferay Faces Bridge

« Using the portlet:param UI ComponentUsing the portlet:resourceURL UI Component »
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