Accessing the Content Targeting API

The Audience Targeting application available in Liferay’s Marketplace can be used to target content to specific audiences. You might want to take this to the next step and use the Content Targeting API. For instance, you could list user segments in your own application or update a campaign when someone creates a calendar event. Using the Content Targeting API, you can unleash the power of Audience Targeting to the realms outside of Liferay’s default applications.

In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to give your application access to the Content Targeting API. Then you can view some examples of how to use the Java and JSON APIs that are available.

Exposing the Content Targeting API

Configuring your app to have access to the Content Targeting API requires only one line of code. This line of code is a dependency that should be added to your dependencies list via Ivy. Follow the instructions below to add the Content Targeting API dependency:

  1. Open the ivy.xml file in your app’s ROOT folder.

  2. Find the <dependencies> tag and place the following dependency within that tag.

    <dependency org="com.liferay.content-targeting" name="com.liferay.content.targeting.api" rev="2.0.0"/>

    The complete tag should look like this:

    <dependencies defaultconf="default">
        <dependency org="com.liferay.content-targeting" name="com.liferay.content.targeting.api" rev="2.0.0"/>

Your app now has access to the Content Targeting API and can now take advantage of everything Audience Targeting has to offer. In the next section, you’ll learn how to use the Content Targeting API by studying a few examples.

Using the Content Targeting API

There are two ways you’ll learn how to call the Content Targeting API: making direct calls to the Java API and making direct calls to the JSON API. You’ll dive into calling the Java API first.

Suppose you’d like to display a list of existing user segments in your portlet. You could do this by opening your Portlet class (the class that extends the MVCPortlet class) and adding the following method:

public void doView(
        RenderRequest renderRequest, RenderResponse renderResponse)
    throws IOException, PortletException {

    ThemeDisplay themeDisplay = (ThemeDisplay)renderRequest.getAttribute(

    List<UserSegment> userSegments = null;

    try {
        userSegments = UserSegmentLocalServiceUtil.getUserSegments(
    catch (Exception e) {

    renderRequest.setAttribute("userSegments", userSegments);

    super.doView(renderRequest, renderResponse);

Notice that the userSegments list is populated by calling UserSegmentLocalServiceUtil’s getUserSegments method. This service is part of the Content Targeting API.

To finish off this example, some logic needs to be added to your portlet’s view.jsp:

<h2>User Segments</h2>


List<UserSegment> userSegments = (List<UserSegment>)request.getAttribute("userSegments");

for (UserSegment userSegment : userSegments) {


    <li><%= userSegment.getName(locale) %></li>



This logic uses the UserSegment object to list the existing user segments in the Portal. That’s it! By importing the UserSegment and UserSegmentLocalServiceUtil classes into your files, you have direct access to your portal’s user segments via the Content Targeting Java API.

Lastly, you’ll explore a small example of accessing the Content Targeting JSON API.

Suppose you’d like to display a list of existing campaigns in your portlet using the JSON API. You could do this in your portlet by opening its view.jsp file and using the following code:


<ul id="<portlet:namespace/>campaigns">

<aui:script use="aui-base">
    var campaignsList ='#<portlet:namespace/>campaigns');

        groupId: '<%= scopeGroupId %>'
        function(response) {
            if (response.length) {
                A.Array.each(response, function(item) {
                    campaignsList.append('<li>' + + '</li>');

Notice that the Content Targeting API is called to retrieve the existing campaigns:


Then, each campaign is listed in the campaignsList and displayed in your portlet for users to see.

If you’d like to view all the available methods (with examples) exposed in the JSON API by Audience Targeting, you can visit your portal’s /api/jsonws URL (e.g., localhost:8080/api/jsonws). As you can see, accessing the Content Targeting JSON API is just as easy as accessing the related Java API.

You’ve learned how easy it is to expose the Content Targeting API and use it in a custom app to unleash its power! If you’d like to peruse the entire Content Targeting API, visit the API’s Github page. If you’re interested in seeing the examples that were discussed in this tutorial working in a finished portlet, download and deploy the Sample Client Portlet.

Creating New Audience Rule Types

Targeting Content to Your Audience

Running Service Builder and Understanding the Generated Code

« Introduction to Audience TargetingCreating New Audience Targeting Rule Types »
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