Resolving Common Output Errors Reported by the resolve Task

Liferay Workspace provides the resolve Gradle task to validate modules. This is very useful for finding issues and reporting them as output before deployment. For more information on running this task from Liferay Workspace, see the Validating Modules Against the Target Platform tutorial section. For general help with OSGi related issues, visit the Troubleshooting FAQ tutorial section.

For help interpreting the resolve task’s output, see the list below for common output errors, what they mean, and how to fix them.

Missing Import Error

When your module refers to an unavailable import, the container throws this error. For example, suppose you have a module test-service that depends on the package. If the container can’t find that package, it throws this error:

Resolution exception in project 'modules:test-service': Unresolved requirements in root project 'modules:test-service':
        [osgi.wiring.package ]; version=[23.0.0,24.0.0)
        [osgi.identity       ] test.service

This kind of error can also occur when separate modules require different versions of another module. If you have module A requiring module Test version 1 and module B requiring module Test version 4, without running the resolver, both modules A and B would compile successfully. When they were deployed, however, one would fail in the OSGi runtime because both dependencies cannot be satisfied. These types of scenarios are difficult to diagnose, but with the resolve task, can be found with ease.

To fix missing import errors, you may need to adjust the export and/or import configuration of your modules. Also, see the Resolving Third Party Library Package Dependencies tutorial for more information on resolving import errors. Sometimes, this kind of error can be solved by editing the resolve task’s list of capabilities. See the Resolving Third Party Library Package Dependencies section to learn how to do this.

Missing Service Reference

If your module references a non-existent service, an error is thrown. This is helpful because service reference issues are hard to diagnose during deployment without using the Gogo Shell.

For example, if your module test-portlet references a service (e.g., test.api.TestApi) it does not have access to, the following error is thrown:

Resolution exception in project 'modules:test-portlet': Unresolved requirements in project 'modules:test-portlet':
        [osgi.identity ] test.portlet
        [osgi.service  ] objectClass=test.api.TestApi

To fix this, you must make the service available to your module. If you’re expecting the service to be provided by your target platform, check to make sure it’s being provided. If it’s a service provided by a custom module, check that service provider module and ensure it’s correctly providing that service to your module. To check the target platform for available services, follow the steps below:

  1. Start your target platform instance.

  2. Open the Gogo shell.

  3. List all services containing a keyword by running services | grep "SERVICE_NAME". It’s easiest to do this rather than listing all services since there are usually too many to sift through.

  4. You can also list services provided by a component. Run lb -s to list all provided bundles by their bundle symbolic name (BSN). Find the BSN for the desired component and then run scr:info <BSN>.

If you’re unable to track down your missing service, it may be provided by a customized Liferay DXP core feature or an external Liferay DXP feature. If this is the case, it isn’t included in the target platform’s default capabilities. You can make the custom service capability available to reference by generating a new custom distro JAR.

Missing Fragment Host

Referring to a non-existent fragment host throws an error. For example, if your test.login fragment is configured to modify a fragment host named com.liferay.login.web that cannot be referenced, the following error is thrown:

Resolution exception in project 'modules:test.login': Unresolved requirements in project 'modules:test-login':
        [osgi.identity    ] test.login
        [ ] com.liferay.login.web; version=1.0.10

Configuring a fragment host in your module is typically done with the Fragment-Host header in the bnd.bnd file:

Fragment-Host: com.liferay.login.web;bundle-version="[1.0.0,1.0.1)"

To fix this, inspect your target platform to ensure it includes the JAR you’re attempting to add a fragment for. Your fragment host header may be referencing an incorrect bundle symbolic name (BSN) or version. The easiest way to check this is by using the Gogo Shell. Follow the steps below to find the bundle symbolic name:

  1. Start your target platform instance.

  2. Open the Gogo shell.

  3. List all installed bundles by BSN with the command lb -s. You can search through the output to find the BSN. If you already know the BSN and want to check the version, run lb -s | grep "<BSN>".

Once you know the correct BSN/version to reference, update your Fragment-Host header to resolve the error.

For more information on fragments, see the JSP Overrides Using OSGi Fragments tutorial.

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