Angular npm Deduplication Sample

The Angular npm Deduplication sample provides a portlet that uses the Angular framework to render its output.

Figure 1: Type custom text in the field and watch it instantaneously displayed in the portlet..

Figure 1: Type custom text in the field and watch it instantaneously displayed in the portlet..

This is done by providing a deduplicated instance of the Angular framework as an OSGi bundle and then leveraging it from a sample portlet.

What API(s) and/or code components does this sample highlight?

This sample is broken into two modules:

  • angular-consumer-portlet
  • angular-provider

The Angular Provider sample generates an OSGi bundle that provides a deduplicated instance of the Angular framework that portlets can share when rendering their output. The Angular Consumer portlet uses the deduplicated instance of the Angular framework.

Note: Both modules must be deployed to the server for this sample to run.

This sample leverages the npm development workflow support.

How does this sample leverage the API(s) and/or code component?

This sample uses the npm registry to download project dependencies and uses the liferay-npm-bundler tool to bundle the project dependencies inside the OSGi bundle JAR file.

To accomplish the bundling, the project’s build process relies on a build script inside its package.json file:

"scripts": {
    "build": "tsc && liferay-npm-bundler"

Where Is This Sample?

This sample is built with the following build tool:

« Angular 6 npm PortletAngular npm Portlet »
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