Using External Repositories

Liferay Portal’s Documents and Media lets you access external repositories in addition to the built in document repository. Some of the features supported with third-party repositories include:

  • Reading/writing documents and folders
  • Document check-in, check-out, and undo check-out
  • Downloading documents
  • Moving folders and documents within the repository
  • Getting revision history
  • Reverting to a revision

Using external repositories involves configuring Liferay and the external repository for interoperability and adding a Repository that binds them in Documents and Media.

There are also different kinds of repositories Liferay can connect with through Documents and Media. Liferay can connect with repositories, such as Alfresco, Nuxeo, and more, that support the Content Management Interoperability Services (CMIS) standard. In addition, EE subscribers can use the Liferay Connector for SharePoint 2010 and Liferay Documentum Connector apps to work with SharePoint and Documentum in Documents and Media.

Let’s start with the common configuration steps.

Common Configuration Steps

The configuration steps are the same for repositories that support CMIS, and are even similar between CMIS repositories and those that use proprietary APIs. So it makes sense to cover these steps now.

The common configuration steps are:

  1. Adjust portal properties
  2. Synchronize user accounts between Liferay Portal and the repository
  3. Add the repository to Documents and Media

Let’s adjust the portal properties.

Step 1: Adjust Portal Properties

In order to authenticate with the third-party repository, you need to store passwords for the user sessions. You must configure an authentication type that supports storing passwords to the user sessions.

Important: Since authentication with single sign-on (SSO) does not store encrypted passwords in the user sessions, SSO can’t be used with the external repository types.

Let’s configure Liferay Portal for what’s required in authentication. In your Liferay Home, create a file, if one doesn’t already exist, and add a portal property set to true:

Next, make sure to authenticate the same way on both Liferay Portal and the external repository. You can do so by authenticating based on screen name. Add the following portal property to your file:

Alternatively, configure these properties in the Control Panel under Portal SettingsAuthentication.

Step 2: Synchronize the User Accounts

External repository integration requires Liferay Portal users use the same screen name and password as their external repository user. See sections of the Management chapter on adding and managing users. Make sure to sign in to Liferay Portal as such a user whenever you’re accessing the repository from it.

Adding a Repository mapped to the external repository is the final step.

Step 3: Add the Repository to Documents and Media

You can add new repositories from the UI by clicking the Add button from the Home folder. Repositories can only be mounted in the Home folder.

Figure 5.5: You can add a new repository by navigating to Add → Repository in the Documents and Media portlet.

Figure 5.5: You can add a new repository by navigating to *Add* → *Repository* in the Documents and Media portlet.

The next sections explain how to add specific types of repositories including CMIS repositories and SharePoint repositories.

Adding a CMIS Repository

Liferay Portal’s Documents and Media can inter-operate with repositories that support the Content Management Interoperability Services (CMIS) standard. CMIS defines a model for interacting with repository files. Portal supports interoperability through CMIS version 1.1 (the current CMIS version) and earlier. It can access CMIS repositories using AtomPub and Web Services protocols.

Let’s explore accessing a CMIS Repository using AtomPub.

Adding a CMIS Repository that Uses AtomPub

AtomPub is the easiest protocol to specify for communicating with a CMIS repository.

Follow these steps to access a repository with CMIS AtomPub:

  1. Sign in to Liferay Portal as a user that also exists in the external repository and can access files you want to use in that repository.

  2. In Documents and Media Home, click the Add and select Repository. The New Repository screen appears.

  3. Enter an arbitrary Name for the repository and optionally enter a Description.

  4. Click on the Repository Configuration section to access its form. Specify values for the following fields:

    • Repository Type: CMIS Repository (AtomPub)
    • Repository ID: Leave this blank, as Liferay generates the ID automatically
    • AtomPub URL: Enter the AtomPub URL for CMIS per the repository’s documentation. Example URLs are listed below. If you copy them, make sure to replace the [host] and [port] values with your own.
      • Alfresco 5.1 CMIS 1.0: http://[host]:[port]/alfresco/cmisatom
      • Alfresco 5.1 CMIS 1.1: http://[host]:[port]/alfresco/api/-default-/public/cmis/versions/1.1/atom
      • Nuxeo 7.10: http://[host]:[port]/nuxeo/atom/cmis
  5. Click Save

The external repository appears in Documents and Media. You can navigate the repository and manage files.

Next, let’s access a CMIS repository with Web Services.

Adding a CMIS Repository that Uses Web Services

After adjusting your portal properties and adding any user accounts required by the repository, you can add a Documents and Media Repository that inter-operates with an external repository that supports CMIS with Web Services.

Follow these steps to add such a repository:

  1. In Documents and Media Home, click the Add button and select Repository. The New Repository screen appears.

  2. Enter an arbitrary Name for the repository and optionally enter a Description.

  3. Click on the Repository Configuration section to access its form

  4. For Repository Type:, select CMIS Repository (Web Services).

  5. Enter the web service URLs (WSDL URLs) per your CMIS repository’s documentation. Example URLs are listed after these steps. Make sure to enter URLs for the following services:

    • Web Services ACL Service
    • Web Services Discovery Service
    • Web Services Multi-Filing Service
    • Web Services Navigation Service
    • Web Services Object Service
    • Web Services Policy Service
    • Web Services Relationship Service
    • Web Services Repository Service
    • Web Services Versioning Service
  6. Leave Repository ID blank, as Liferay generates the ID automatically.

  7. Click Save

Your repository appears in Documents and Media. You can navigate into the repository and work with files as you do other files in Documents and Media.

Next, let’s learn how to use a SharePoint repository.

Using a SharePoint Repository

EE Only Feature

The app Liferay Connector for SharePoint 2010 lets users access SharePoint 2010 libraries from within a Liferay Documents and Media Library. The app installs a SharePoint repository type that you can select when adding a new Repository to Documents and Media. The app integrates sites with existing SharePoint libraries, so you can access all of your organization’s files.

The Liferay Connector for SharePoint 2010 is available to EE subscribers on Liferay’s Marketplace. See the article Downloading and Installing Apps for information on using Marketplace to download and install apps.

As with other third-party repositories that support the CMIS standard, users can gain these benefits by accessing the SharePoint repository through the Liferay Connector for SharePoint 2010:

  • Reading/writing documents and folders
  • Document check-in, check-out, and undo check-out
  • Downloading documents
  • Moving folders and documents within the repository
  • Getting revision history
  • Reverting to a revision

The Liferay Connector for SharePoint 2010 uses SharePoint’s API, which has some limitations:

  1. Version history is lost when moving or renaming a file without first checking it out.
  2. You can’t change file extensions–you can only change file names.
  3. A file’s current name propagates to all previous versions.
  4. The user who checks out a file is the only one who can see its working copy version number.
  5. Queries for suffixes or intermediate wildcards convert to queries for containment.
  6. Ratings are unsupported.

To use a SharePoint repository inside Documents and Media, you must first configure the SharePoint and Liferay environments to support authentication with SharePoint and then add a Documents and Media Repository that connects to SharePoint. Let’s start by configuring the environments.

Environment Setup

Here’s an overview of what you must do to configure your host, Liferay Portal, and SharePoint to use SharePoint from Liferay’s Documents and Media Library:

  1. Enable Basic Authentication on the SharePoint host
  2. Enable Versioning Support on the SharePoint library
  3. Configure Authentication on Liferay Portal
  4. Synchronize user credentials between Liferay Portal and SharePoint

Note, these instructions are geared to Liferay Portal and SharePoint system administrators.

Before you can use SharePoint as an external repository with Liferay Portal, you must set up a few things on the SharePoint host and in the SharePoint server application.

Step 1: Enable Basic Authentication on the SharePoint Host

For the Liferay Connector for SharePoint 2010 to authenticate to the SharePoint web services, you must enable Basic Authentication on the SharePoint host. As you do this, make sure to empty Basic Authentication’s default domain and realm fields of all values.

Authentication setup steps differ between Windows versions. But as an example, here are steps for enabling Basic Authentication on Windows Server 2008:

  1. Sign in to the Windows server as a member of the Administrators group.
  2. Open Administrative Tools, and then click Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager to launch the IIS Manager console.
  3. In the Connections navigation panel, navigate to the SharePoint web site options by clicking on the server’s name, then Sites, and then the name of the SharePoint site. The site’s Features View is available in the main viewing area of the IIS Manager console.
  4. Select the Features View tab and then double-click on the Authentication icon in the IIS section of the Features View. The Authentication panel appears. Figure 1: The Features View for the site shows the Authentication icon.

    Figure 1: The Features View for the site shows the Authentication icon.

  5. In the Authentication panel, select the row named Basic Authentication. The Actions panel appears next to the main panel.
  6. In the Actions panel, click Enable to activate Basic Authentication.
  7. Also in the Actions panel, click Edit. An Edit Basic Authentication Settings dialog box appears. Figure 2: Clicking the Edit action brings up the a dialog for setting the Default domain and Realm.

    Figure 2: Clicking the *Edit...* action brings up the a dialog for setting the Default domain and Realm.

  8. In the dialog box, empty the Default domain and Realm fields of any values and click OK.

You’ve configured Basic Authentication on the SharePoint host. 8. In the dialog box, empty the Default domain and Realm fields of any values and click OK.

You’ve configured Basic Authentication on the SharePoint host.

Next, you should enable versioning support in your SharePoint library so that users can leverage file versioning between Liferay Portal and SharePoint.

Step 2: Enable Versioning Support in the SharePoint Library

You must enable versioning in SharePoint library for Liferay Portal’s check-in/out features to work with SharePoint. To enable it, follow these steps:

  1. Open a browser to the SharePoint library’s URL.
  2. Click on the SharePoint library’s name.
  3. At the top of the toolbar, click on Liferay Tools and then on Library, underneath Liferay Tools.
  4. In the toolbar, click on Library Settings.
  5. Under General Settings, click on Versioning settings.
  6. In Document Version History, select Create major and minor (draft) versions.
  7. In Require Check Out select Yes.

You’ve set SharePoint to accept versioning requests from Liferay Portal.

Next, you’ll configure authentication for Liferay Portal.

Step 3: Authentication on Liferay

In order to authenticate with the Sharepoint repository, you need to store passwords for the user sessions. You must configure an authentication type that supports storing passwords for the user sessions.

Important: Since authentication with single sign-on (SSO) does not store encrypted passwords in the user sessions, SSO can’t be used with the Liferay Connector for SharePoint 2010 app.

Let’s configure Liferay Portal for what’s required in authentication. In your Liferay Home, create a file, if one doesn’t already exist, and add a portal property set to true:

Next, make sure to authenticate the same way on both Liferay Portal and the external repository. You can do so by authenticating based on screen name. Add the following portal property to your file:

Alternatively, configure these properties in the Control Panel under Portal SettingsAuthentication.

Step 4: Synchronize Credentials

As a Liferay Portal system administrator, you must ensure that the same credentials and authentication are used in Liferay Portal and in SharePoint. LDAP is a typical mechanism for synchronizing them. If you don’t have LDAP, however, you must manually synchronize the credentials and authentication.

For Liferay Portal users to access the external repository, their screen names and passwords must be the same in Liferay Portal and in Sharepoint. For details on adding and managing Liferay Portal users, refer to User Mangement.

From within Liferay’s Documents and Media Library, you are now prepared to mount the SharePoint library as an additional external repository.

Add SharePoint as a Liferay Documents and Media repository

It’s time to add a Documents and Media Library Repository of type SharePoint, so users can work with SharePoint in Liferay Portal.

Here are the steps for adding a SharePoint repository type:

  1. Add the Documents and Media application to a page, if you haven’t done so already.

  2. From the home location in the Documents and Media application, click Add and select Repository. The New Repository screen appears.

  3. In the New Repository screen enter an arbitrary repository Name and a Description (optional).

  4. Click on the Repository Configuration section to access its form. Then specify values for the following fields:

    Repository Type: Select the SharePoint option.

    Site URL: Enter the URL of the site where your SharePoint Library lives (e.g., http://your-site).

    Library Name: Enter a name for the library. Typically you’d enter the name of the SharePoint Library you’re connecting to.

  5. After you’ve finished entering any additional options, click Save.

Your Documents and Media Library is now connected to the SharePoint repository. The new external repository is now listed in the Documents and Media home.

Now that you’ve added a SharePoint Repository to Documents and Media, you can access and modify SharePoint Library files from within Liferay Portal’s Documents and Media Library.

Next, let’s look at configuring the Documents and Media portlet.

« Alternative File Repository OptionsConfiguring the Documents and Media portlet »
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