Before Opening a Portal Deployment Ticket

This article is a legacy article. It applies to previous versions of the Liferay product. While the article is no longer maintained, the information may still be applicable.

The following article outlines a short checklist of questions to ask and steps to take before opening a portal deployment ticket in Help Center. By taking a moment to go through this checklist before opening a Help Center request, you're ensuring the fastest possible resolution for the particular issue.


For each ticket, please attach your file as well as the output of the patching-tool info command specific to the environment.

For portal deployment tickets specifically, please work through the following checklist and include the resulting information when you create a ticket:

  1. Please review Deployment Checklist, if you haven’t done so
  2. This component includes the initial stages of deploying the portal
  3. Is this a new installation of Liferay or an upgrade?
    1. If this is an upgrade please see the Upgrade section of this document.
  4. Is this deployment a bundle obtained from the Customer Portal?
  5. Is the database, application server, and OS being utilized listed on the Support Matrix for this JDK version of Liferay?
  6. If not, what steps were taken to deploy the portal?
  7. Were the steps from the user guide for manual portal deployment with this application server followed? See Portal Best Practices
    1. See the Installation and Setup section of the user guide for the appropriate version of Liferay.
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