Building the Lunar Guides and Book a Trip Pages

Creating A Site
Step 2 of 6

The Lunar Resort needs two more pages:

  • Lunar Guides: A page that lists the guides employed by the Lunar Resort.
  • Book a Trip: A page for booking a trip to the Lunar Resort.

You’ll create these pages using the same steps you used to create the existing pages.

Creating the Lunar Guides Page

  1. Open the main menu and expand the Navigation menu for The Lunar Resort.

  2. In the Navigation menu, click the Options button (Options) for Public Pages and select Add Public Page.

  3. Enter Lunar Guides for the Name.

  4. For the layout, select 3 Columns.

  5. Leave the other options on their default settings and click Add Page.

Creating the Book a Trip Page

  1. Open the main menu and expand the Navigation menu for The Lunar Resort.

  2. In the Navigation menu, click the Options button (Options) for Public Pages and select Add Public Page.

  3. Enter Book a Trip for the Name.

  4. For the layout, select 1 Column.

  5. Leave the other options on their default settings and click Add Page.

Arranging Pages

The new pages now appear in the navigation bar with the other pages. If these pages are out of your preferred order, you can rearrange them via drag and drop. Rearrange the pages to match this order:

Figure 1: Reorder the pages in the navigation bar.

Figure 1: Reorder the pages in the navigation bar.

Great! Now that you have your site’s pages, you’ll add some applications to them.

« Creating Pages with LayoutsAdding Applications to Pages »
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