Adding Applications to Pages

Creating A Site
Step 3 of 6

All of a page’s functionality comes from applications. This functionality can be as simple as displaying content, or as complex as social networking. You create your page’s functionality by adding applications to the page. You’ll get started by adding applications to the Activities and About Us pages.

The Activities Page

You’ll add two Asset Publisher applications to display different assets, like images, web content articles, or any other kind of content in Liferay DXP. Follow these steps to add two Asset Publishers to the page:

  1. Navigate to the Activities page.

  2. Click the Add button (Add) on the upper right and expand the ApplicationsContent Management category in the menu.

  3. Drag and drop one Asset Publisher to the page’s right column and the other to the page’s left column.

Figure 1: This screenshot shows the Asset Publisher being placed in the pages right column. The narrow blue bar indicates where the application will appear when you release the mouse button.

Figure 1: This screenshot shows the Asset Publisher being placed in the page's right column. The narrow blue bar indicates where the application will appear when you release the mouse button.

The About Us Page

To add functionality to the About Us page, you’ll add several Web Content Display applications. Recall that this application displays web content. You saw it in action when you displayed basic web content in the previous section of this Learning Path. Follow these steps to add Web Content Display to the About Us page:

  1. Navigate to the About Us page.

  2. Click the Add button (Add) on the upper right and expand the Applications category in the menu.

  3. This time use the search bar to search for web content display.

  4. This page’s layout has three columns. Drag and drop a Web Content Display application into each column.

As you can see, adding content and applications to pages is a matter of drag and drop. Next, you’ll learn about page management and navigation.

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