Introduction to Developing a Web Application

In this Learning Path, you’ll create the Liferay Guestbook Web Application from scratch using tools like Liferay Developer Studio and BLADE tools. As you create this application, you’ll learn how to create a back-end database, web services, a security model, UI, and more using all the best practices and standards for Liferay DXP. Completing this Learning Path will prepare you to write your own application and further explore Liferay’s APIs.

To develop a web application with Liferay, start at the beginning: setting up a Liferay development environment. Though you can use anything from a text editor and the command line, to your Java IDE of choice, Liferay provides Liferay Developer Studio to optimize development on Liferay’s platform. It integrates Liferay’s BLADE tools for modular development.

Once your development environment is set up, you’ll begin creating the application. From modeling data to Service Builder, you’ll learn everything you need to know to create and run your application.

From there you’ll see everything from UI standards to providing remote services. Once everything is completed and wrapped up with a bow, you can distribute the application on Marketplace.

Let’s Go!

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