Managing the Target Platform for Liferay Workspace

Liferay Workspace helps you target a specific release of Liferay DXP, so dependencies get resolved properly. This makes upgrades easy: specify your target platform, and Workspace points to the new version. All your dependencies are updated to the latest ones provided in the targeted release.

Liferay Developer Studio 3.2+ helps you streamline targeting a specific version even more. Developer Studio can index the configured Liferay DXP source code to

  • provide advanced Java search (Open Type and Reference Searching) (tutorial)
  • debug Liferay DXP sources (tutorial)

To enable this functionality, set the following property in your workspace’s file:


These options in Developer Studio are only available when developing in a Liferay Workspace, or if you have the Target Platform Gradle plugin applied to your multi-module Gradle project with specific configurations. See the Targeting a Platform Outside of Workspace section for more info on applying the Target Platform Gradle plugin.

Next, you’ll discover how all of this is possible.

Dependency Management with BOMs

You can target a version by importing a predefined bill of materials (BOM). This only requires that you specify a property in your workspace’s file. You’ll see how to do this later.

Each Liferay DXP version has a predefined BOM that you can specify for your workspace to reference. Each BOM defines the artifacts and their versions used in the specific release. BOMs list all dependencies in a management fashion, so it doesn’t add dependencies to your project; it only provides your build tool (e.g., Gradle or Maven) the versions needed for the project’s defined artifacts. This means you don’t need to specify your dependency versions; the BOM automatically defines the appropriate artifact versions based on the BOM.

You can override a BOM’s defined artifact version by specifying a different version in your project’s build.gradle. Artifact versions defined in your project’s build files override those specified in the predefined BOM. Note that overriding the BOM can be dangerous; make sure the new version is compatible in the targeted platform.

For more information on BOMs, see the Importing Dependencies section in Maven’s official documentation.

Pretty cool, right? Next, you’ll step through an example configuration.

Setting the Target Platform

Setting the version to develop for takes two steps:

  1. Open the workspace’s file and set the property to the version you want to target. For example,

    If you’re using Liferay DXP, the versions are specified based on service packs. For example, you could set your target platform workspace Gradle property to

    Important: You can leverage the target platform features in Liferay Portal GA6+ and Liferay DXP 7.0 SP7+. Previous versions do not provide these features.

    The versions following the SP7 release of DXP follow fix pack versions (e.g., 7.0.10.fp69, 7.0.10.fp70, etc.).

  2. Once the target platform is configured, check to make sure no dependencies in your Gradle build files specify a version. The versions are now imported from the configured target platform’s BOM. For example, a simple MVC portlet’s build.gradle may look something like this:

    dependencies {
        compileOnly group: "com.liferay.portal", name: "com.liferay.portal.kernel"
        compileOnly group: "com.liferay.portal", name: "com.liferay.util.taglib"
        compileOnly group: "javax.portlet", name: "portlet-api"
        compileOnly group: "javax.servlet", name: "javax.servlet-api"
        compileOnly group: "jstl", name: "jstl"
        compileOnly group: "org.osgi", name: "osgi.cmpn"

The target platform functionality is available in Liferay Workspace version 1.9.0+. If you have an older version, you must update it to leverage platform targeting. See the Updating Liferay Workspace tutorial to do this.

You now know how to configure a target platform in workspace and how dependencies without versions appear in your Gradle build files. You’re all set!

Targeting a Platform Outside of Workspace

If you prefer to not use Liferay Workspace, but still want to target a platform, you must apply the Target Platform Gradle plugin to the root build.gradle file of your custom multi-module Gradle build.

To do this, your build.gradle file should look similar to this:

buildscript {
    dependencies {
        classpath group: "com.liferay", name: "", version: "1.1.6"
    repositories {
        maven {
            url ""

apply plugin: ""

dependencies {
    targetPlatformBoms group: "com.liferay.portal", name: "", version: "7.0.6"
    targetPlatformBoms group: "com.liferay.portal", name: "", version: "7.0.6"

Liferay DXP users must replace the artifact names and versions:


This Gradle code

  • applies Liferay’s Target Platform Gradle plugin
  • configures the repository that provides the necessary artifacts for your project build
  • sets the Target Platform plugin’s dependencies:
    • provides all the artifacts included in Liferay DXP.
    • provides artifacts that are not included in Liferay DXP, but are necessary to reference during the build (e.g., org.osgi.core).

If you’re interested in advanced search and/or debugging Liferay DXP’s source using Liferay Developer Studio, you must also apply the following configuration:

targetPlatformIDE {
    includeGroups "com.liferay", "com.liferay.portal"

This indexes the target platform’s source code and makes it available to Developer Studio.

Now you can define your target platform!

« Development Lifecycle for a Liferay WorkspaceValidating Modules Against the Target Platform »
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