Service Security Layers

Liferay’s remote services are secured by default. They sit behind a layer of security that allows only local connections. To invoke Liferay services from a remote client, you must take deliberate steps to enable such access. Liferay’s core web services require user authentication and verification. Regardless of whether you call the remote service from the same machine or via a web service, Liferay’s standard security model performs its function. The user invoking a web service must have the proper permissions (as defined by Liferay’s permissions system) for the remote service invocation to complete successfully. This tutorial explains these processes.

The first layer of security that a client encounters when calling a remote service is called invoker IP filtering. Imagine that you have have a batch job that runs on another machine in your network. This job polls a shared folder on your network and uses Liferay’s web services to upload documents to your Liferay site’s Documents and Media app on a regular basis. To get your batch job through the IP filter, you must grant web service access to the machine the batch job is running on. For example, if your batch job uses Liferay’s SOAP web services to upload the documents, you must add the IP address of the machine where the batch job runs to the axis.servlet.hosts.allowed property. A typical entry might look like this:

axis.servlet.hosts.allowed=,, [SERVER_IP]

If the IP address of the machine where the batch job runs is listed as an authorized host for the service, the machine is allowed to connect to Liferay’s web services, pass in the appropriate user credentials, and upload the documents.

Next, if you invoke the remote service via web services (e.g., JSON WS, old JSON, Axis, REST, etc.), a two step process of authentication and authentication verification takes place. Each call to a Liferay web service must be accompanied by a user authentication token: p_auth. It’s up to the web service caller to produce the token (e.g., through Liferay’s utilities or through some third-party software). Liferay verifies that there is a Liferay user matching the token. If the credentials are invalid, the web service invocation is aborted. Otherwise, processing enters Liferay’s user permission layer.

Liferay’s user permission layer is the last Liferay security layer triggered when services are invoked remotely. It’s used for every object in the Liferay instance, regardless of whether a local or remote service is involved. The user ID associated with a web service invocation must possess the proper permission to operate on the objects it’s trying to access. A remote exception is thrown if the user ID doesn’t possess the required permissions. An instance administrator can grant users access to these resources. For example, suppose you created a Documents and Media Library folder called Documents in a site, created a role called Document Uploaders, and granted this role the rights to add documents to your new folder. If your batch job accesses Liferay’s web services to upload documents into the folder, you must call the web service using a user ID of a member of this role (or using the user ID of a user with individual rights to add documents to this folder, such as an instance administrator). If you don’t, Liferay denies you access to the web service.

When invoking remote Liferay services from a non-browser client, you can specify the user credentials using HTTP basic authentication. For security reasons, you must be logged in and supply a valid p_auth authentication token to invoke a Liferay web service via a browser. Since you should never pass credentials over the network unencrypted, we recommend using HTTPS whenever accessing Liferay services on an untrusted network. Most HTTP clients (e.g., cURL) let you specify the basic authentication credentials in the URL–this is very handy for testing.

Use the following syntax to call the Axis web service using credentials.

http://" + emailAddressOrScreenNameOrUserIdAsString + ":" + password + "@[]:\
[port]/api/axis/" + serviceName

The emailAddressOrScreenNameOrUserIdAsString should be the user’s email address, screen name, or user ID. The Liferay instance’s authentication type setting determines which one to use. A user can find his or her ID by logging in as the user and accessing My AccountAccount Settings from the User Menu. On this interface, the user ID appears below the user’s profile picture and above the birthday field.

Suppose that your Liferay instance is set to authenticate by user ID, and that there’s a user with an ID of 2 and a password of test. You can access Liferay’s remote Organization service with the following URL:


Note that if an email address appears in the URL path, it must be URL-encoded (e.g. becomes

Suppose that your Liferay instance is now set to authenticate by email address. To call the same web service for the same user, change the URL to this:

As mentioned, the authentication type specified for your Liferay instance dictates the authentication type you’ll use to access your web service. The instance administrator can set the instance’s authentication type to email address, screen name, or user ID.

You can set the authentication type via the Control Panel or via the file. To set the authentication type via the Control Panel, navigate to Control PanelConfigurationInstance Settings, and select the General tab under Authentication. Choose your authentication type in the How do users authenticate? menu. To set the authentication type via properties file, add the following lines to your Liferay instance’s file and uncomment the line for the appropriate authentication type:

You should also review your Liferay instance’s password policies, since they’ll be enforced on your administrative user as well. If the instance enforces password policies on its users (e.g., requires them to change their passwords on a periodic basis), an administrative user accessing Liferay’s web services in a batch job will have his or her password expire too.

To prevent a password from expiring, an instance administrator can add a new password policy that doesn’t enforce password expiration, and then add a specific administrative user to the policy. Then your batch job can run as many times as you need it to, without your administrative user’s password expiring.

To summarize, accessing Liferay remotely requires you to pass the following layers of security checks:

  • IP permission layer: The IP address must be pre-configured in the server’s portal properties.
  • Authentication/verification layer (web services only): Liferay verifies that the caller’s authorization token can be associated with an instance user.
  • User permission layer: The user needs permission to access the related resources.

If you’d like to develop client applications that can invoke Liferay’s web services, make sure that your Liferay instance’s web service security settings have been configured to allow access.

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