Working with URLs in JavaScript

In Java, developers are able to create and work with URLs using their APIs. The Liferay global object offers some features to help you create and work with URLs.

This tutorial covers some of the most commonly used methods inside the Liferay global JavaScript object to manipulate URLs.

Liferay PortletURL

The Liferay.PortletURL class provides a way to create Liferay PortletURL’s such as the actionURL, renderURL, and resourceURL through JavaScript. Below is an example configuration:

var portletURL = Liferay.PortletURL.createURL(themeDisplay.getURLControlPanel());

portletURL.setParameter('cmd', 'add_temp');
portletURL.setParameter('javax.portlet.action', '/document_library/upload_file_entry');
portletURL.setParameter('p_auth', Liferay.authToken);

Liferay AuthToken

Below is an example configuration for the Liferay.authToken:

Liferay.authToken = '<%= AuthTokenUtil.getToken(request) %>';

Liferay CurrentURL

The Liferay.currentURL variable holds the path of the current URL from the server root.

For example, if checked from, the value is /es/web/guest/home, as shown below:

// Inside
console.log(Liferay.currentURL); // "/es/web/guest/home"

Liferay CurrentURLEncoded

The Liferay.currentURLEncoded variable holds the path of the current URL from the server root encoded in ASCII for safe transmission over the Internet.

For example, if checked from, the value is %2Fes%2Fweb%2Fguest%2Fhome, as shown below:

// Inside
console.log(Liferay.currentURLEncoded); // "%2Fes%2Fweb%2Fguest%2Fhome"

Now you know how to manipulate URLs using methods within the Liferay global JavaScript object.

Liferay DXP JavaScript Utilities

Liferay Theme Display

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