Resolving ClassNotFoundException and NoClassDefFoundError in OSGi Bundles

Understanding a ClassNotFoundException or NoClassDefFoundError in non-OSGi environments is straightforward.

  • ClassNotFoundException: thrown when looking up a class that isn’t on the classpath or using an invalid name to look up a class that isn’t on the runtime classpath.
  • NoClassDefFoundError: occurs when a compiled class references another class that isn’t on the runtime classpath.

In OSGi environments, however, there are additional cases where a ClassNotFoundException or NoClassDefFoundError can occur. Here are four:

  1. The missing class belongs to a module dependency that’s an OSGi module.
  2. The missing class belongs to a module dependency that’s not an OSGi module.
  3. The missing class belongs to a global library, either at the Liferay DXP webapp scope or the application server scope.
  4. The missing class belongs to a Java runtime package.

This tutorial explains how to handle each case.

Case 1: The Missing Class Belongs to an OSGi Module

In this case, there are two possible causes:

  1. The module doesn’t import the class’s package: For a module (or WAB) to consume another module’s exported class, the consuming module must import the exported package that contains the class. To do this, you add an Import-Package header in the consuming module’s bnd.bnd file. If the consuming module tries to access the class without importing it, a ClassNotFoundException or NoClassDefFoundError occurs.

    In the consuming module, make sure you import the correct package. First check the package name. If the package import is correct but you still get the exception or error, the class might no longer exist in the package.

  2. The class no longer exists in the imported package: In OSGi runtime environments, modules can change and come and go. If you reference another module’s class that its developer removed, a NoClassDefFoundError or ClassNotFoundException occurs. Semantic Versioning guards against this scenario: removing a class from an exported package constitutes a new major version for that package. Neglecting to increment the package’s major version breaks dependent modules.

    For example, say a module that consumes the class specifies the package import;version=[1.0.0, 2.0.0). The module uses versions from 1.0.0 up to (but not including) 2.0.0. The first part of the version number (the 1 in 1.0.0) represents the major version. The consuming module doesn’t expect any major breaking changes, like a class removal. Removing from without incrementing the package to a new major version (e.g., 2.0.0) causes a ClassNotFoundException or NoClassDefFoundError when other modules look up or reference that class.

    You have these options since the class no longer exists in the package:

    • Adapt to the new API. To learn how to do this, read the package’s/module’s Javadoc, release notes, and or formal documentation. You can also ask the author, or search forums.

    • Revert to the module version you used previously. Deployed module versions reside in [Liferay_Home]/osgi/. For details, see Backing up Liferay Installations.

    Do what you think is best to get your module working properly.

Now you know how to resolve common situations involving ClassNotFoundException or NoClassDefFoundError. For additional information on NoClassDefFoundError, see OSGi Enroute’s article What is NoClassDefFoundError?.

Case 2: The Missing Class Doesn’t Belong to an OSGi Module

In this case, you have two options:

  1. Convert the dependency into an OSGi module so it can export the missing class. Converting a non-OSGi JAR file dependency into an OSGi module that you can deploy alongside your application is the ideal solution, so it should be your first choice.

  2. Embed the dependency in your module by embedding the dependency JAR file’s packages as private packages in your module. If you want to embed a non-OSGi JAR file in your application, see the tutorial Adding Third Party Libraries to a Module.

Case 3: The Missing Class Belongs to a Global Library

In this case, you can configure Liferay DXP so the OSGi system module exports the missing class’s package. Then your module can import it. You should NOT, however, undertake this lightly. If Liferay intended to make a global library available for use by developers, the system module would already export this library! Still, if you must access a global library that’s not currently exported and can’t think of any other solution, you can consider adding the required package for export by the system module. There are two ways to do this:

  1. In your file, use the property module.framework.system.packages.extra to specify the packages to export.

  2. If the package you need is from a Liferay DXP JAR, you might be able to add the module to the list of exported packages in [LIFERAY_HOME]/osgi/core/com.liferay.portal.bootstrap.jar’s META-INF/system.packages.extra.bnd file. Try this option only if the first option doesn’t work.

If the package you need is from a Liferay DXP module, (i.e., it’s NOT from a global library), you can add the package to that module’s bnd.bnd exports. You should NOT, however, undertake this lightly. The package would already be be exported if Liferay intended for it to be available.

Case 4: The Missing Class Belongs to a Java Runtime Package

rt.jar (the JRE library) has non-public packages. If your module imports one of them, configure Liferay DXP’s system bundle to export the package to the module framework.

  1. Add the current module.framework.system.packages.extra property setting to a [LIFERAY_HOME]/ file. Your server’s current setting is in the Liferay DXP web application’s /WEB-INF/lib/portal-impl.jar/ file.

  2. In your file, append the required Java runtime package to the end of the module.framework.system.packages.extra property’s package list.

  3. Restart your server.

The package requirement resolves.

Backing up Liferay Installations

Adding Third Party Libraries to a Module

Bundle Classloading Flow

« Resolving Bundle-SymbolicName Syntax IssuesIdentifying Liferay Artifact Versions for Dependencies »
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