In the Audience Targeting application, a User Segment is defined as a group of users that match a set of rules. Out of the box, Liferay provides several types of rules that are based on characteristics such as age range, gender, location, and so on. You combine these rules to create User Segments. For example, if you want to target probable buyers of a shoe that has a particular style, you might create a User Segment composed of Females over 40 who live in urban areas.
The Audience Targeting app ships with many rules you can use make up User Segments, but it’s also extensible. This means that if there isn’t a rule that already fits your case, you can create it yourself!
Creating a rule type involves targeting what you want to evaluate. Suppose you own an Outdoor Sporting Goods store. On your website, you’d like to promote goods that are appropriate for the current weather. If a user is from Los Angeles and it’s raining the day he or she visits your website, you could show that user new umbrellas. If it’s sunny, however, you could show the user sunglasses instead. For this example, your evaluation entity would be weather based on the user’s location. To make this work, you’ll need to do two things:
Retrieve the user’s location so you can obtain that location’s weather.
Let administrators set the value that should be compared with the user’s current weather, using a UI component like a selection list of weather options.
With this design, an administrator can set rainy as the value for the rule, and the rule could be added to a user segment targeted for rain-related goods. When users visit your site, their user segment assignments come from matching the weather in their current locations with the rule’s preset weather value (rainy). On a match, you show rain-related content; otherwise, the user is part of a different User Segment and sees that segment’s content, like a promotion for sunglasses.
Figure 1: This diagram breaks down the evaluation process for the weather rule.
Now that you have an idea of how to plan your custom rule’s development, you’ll begin creating one yourself!
Creating a Custom Rule Type
Adding a new type of rule to the Audience Targeting application is easy. First, you must create a module and ensure it has the necessary Content Targeting API dependencies.
Create a module project for deploying a rule. A Blade CLI content-targeting-rule template is available to help you get started quickly. It sets the default configuration for you, and it contains boilerplate code so you can skip the file creation steps and get started right away.
Make sure your module specifies the dependencies necessary for an Audience Targeting rule. For example, you should specify the Content Targeting API and necessary Liferay packages. For example, this is the example
file used from a Gradle based rule:dependencies { compileOnly group: "com.liferay.content-targeting", name: "", version: "3.0.0" compileOnly group: "com.liferay.content-targeting", name: "com.liferay.content.targeting.anonymous.users.api", version: "2.0.2" compileOnly group: "com.liferay.content-targeting", name: "com.liferay.content.targeting.api", version: "4.0.0" compileOnly group: "com.liferay.portal", name: "com.liferay.portal.kernel", version: "2.3.0" compileOnly group: "com.liferay.portal", name: "com.liferay.util.taglib", version: "2.0.0" compileOnly group: "javax.portlet", name: "portlet-api", version: "2.0" compileOnly group: "javax.servlet", name: "javax.servlet-api", version: "3.0.1" compileOnly group: "org.osgi", name: "org.osgi.service.component.annotations", version: "1.3.0" }
You can learn more about exposing the Content Targeting API in the Accessing the Content Targeting API tutorial. Once you’ve created your module and specified its dependencies, you’ll need to define your rule’s behavior. How your rule behaves is controlled by a Java class file that you create.
Create a unique package name in the module’s
directory, and create a new Java class in that package. To follow naming conventions, your class name should begin with the rule name you’re creating, and end with Rule (e.g.,
). Your Java class should implement thecom.liferay.content.targeting.api.model.Rule
interface.It is required to implement the Rule interface, but there are
extension classes that provide helpful utilities that you can extend. For example, your rule can extend the BaseJSPRule class to support generating your rule’s UI using JSPs. This tutorial demonstrates implementing the UI using a JSP, and assumes theRule
interface is implemented by extending theBaseJSPRule
class. For more information on choosing a UI for your rule, see the Selecting a UI Technology section. -
Directly above the class’s declaration, insert the following code:
@Component(immediate = true, service = Rule.class)
This annotation declares the implementation class of the Component and specifies to immediately start the module once deployed to Liferay DXP.
Now that your Java class is set up, you’ll need to define how your rule works by implementing the Rule interface’s methods. You’ll begin implementing these methods next.
The first thing you’ll define in your weather rule is the view/save lifecycle.
Defining a Rule’s View/Save Lifecycle
This section covers how to define a rule’s view/save lifecycle. This is when a user applies a rule to a user segment using the User Segment Editor.
In this section, you’ll begin defining the weather rule’s Java class. This
assumes that you followed the instructions above, creating the WeatherRule
class and extending
If you used the content-targeting-rule
Blade CLI template, your project is
already extending BaseJSPRule
and has a default view.jsp
file already
Add the activation and deactivation methods to your class.
@Activate @Override public void activate() { super.activate(); } @Deactivate @Override public void deActivate() { super.deActivate(); }
These methods call the super class BaseRule to implement necessary logging and processing for when your rule starts and stops. Make sure to include the @Activate and @Deactivate annotations, which are required.
Define the category for the Rule when displayed in the User Segment Editor.
@Override public String getRuleCategoryKey() { return SessionAttributesRuleCategory.KEY; }
This code puts the weather rule in the Session Attributes category. To put your rule into the appropriate category, use the
method to return the category class’s key. Available category classes include BehaviourRuleCategory, SessionAttributesRuleCategory, SocialRuleCategory, and UserAttributesRoleCategory.Figure 2: This example Weather rule was modified to reside in the Session Attributes category.
Add the following method:
@Override protected void populateContext( RuleInstance ruleInstance, Map<String, Object> context, Map<String, String> values) { String weather = ""; if (!values.isEmpty()) { weather = GetterUtil.getString(values.get("weather")); } else if (ruleInstance != null) { weather = ruleInstance.getTypeSettings(); } context.put("weather", weather); }
To understand what this method accomplishes, you’ll need to examine the rule’s configuration lifecycle.
Figure 3: An Audience Targeting rule must be configured by the user and processed before it can become part of a User Segment.
When the user opens the User Segment Editor, the render phase begins for the rule. The
method retrieves the HTML to display. You don’t have to worry about implementing this method because it’s already implemented in the BaseJSPRule class you’re extending. ThegetFormHTML
method calls thepopulateContext(...)
method.You’ll notice the
method is not available in the Rule interface. This is because it’s not needed in all cases. It’s available by extending the BaseJSPRule class, and you’ll need to add more logic to it for the weather rule.The goal of the
method is to generate a map with all the parameters your JSP view needs to render the rule’s HTML. This map is stored in thecontext
variable, which is pre-populated with basic values in the Portlet logic, and then each rule contributes its specific parameters to it. ThepopulateContext
method above populates aweather
context variable with theweather
values from thevalues
map parameter, which is then passed to the JSP.For the weather rule, the
method accounts for three use cases:a. The rule was added but has no set values yet. In this case, the default values defined by the developer are injected (e.g.,
).b. The rule was added and a value is set, but the request failed to complete (e.g., due to an error). In this case, the
parameter of thepopulateContext
method contains the values that were intended to be saved, and they are injected so that they are displayed in the rule’s view together with the error message.c. The rule was added and a value was successfully set. In this case, the
parameter is empty, and you have to obtain the values from storage that the form should display and inject them in the context so they’re displayed in the rule’s HTML. The weather rule uses thetypeSettings
field of the rule instance, but complex rules could use services to store values.You can think of the
method as the intermediary between your JSP and your backend code. You can see how to create the weather rule’s UI using a JSP by seeing the Defining the Rule’s UI section. Once the HTML is successfully retrieved and the user has set the weather value and clicked Save, the action phase begins. -
Add the following method:
@Override public String processRule( PortletRequest portletRequest, PortletResponse portletResponse, String id, Map<String, String> values) { return values.get("weather"); }
method is invoked when the action phase is initiated. Thevalues
parameter only contains the value(s) the user added in the form. The logic you could add to aprocessRule
method is outlined below.a. Obtain the value(s) from the
parameter.b. (Optional) Validate the data consistency and possible errors. If anything is wrong, throw an InvalidRuleException and prohibit the values from being stored. In the weather rule scenario, when the rule is reloaded after an exception is thrown in the form, case 3b from the previous step occurs.
c. Return the value to be stored in the rule instance’s
field. ThetypeSettings
field is managed by the framework in the Rule Instance table. If your rule has its own storage mechanism, then you should call your services in theprocessRule
method.Once the rule processing ends, the form is reloaded and the lifecycle restarts again. The value(s) selected in the rule are stored and are ready to be accessed once user segment evaluation begins. There are a couple more methods you’ll need to add to the
class before defining the rule’s evaluation. -
Define a way to retrieve the rule’s localized summary. In many instances, you can do this by combining keys in the rule’s resource bundle with the information stored for the rule. For the weather rule, you can return the rule’s type settings, which contains the selected weather condition.
@Override public String getSummary(RuleInstance ruleInstance, Locale locale) { return ruleInstance.getTypeSettings(); }
Set the servlet context for your rule.
@Override @Reference( target = "(osgi.web.symbolicname=weather)", unbind = "-" ) public void setServletContext(ServletContext servletContext) { super.setServletContext(servletContext); }
This is only required for rules extending the BaseJSPRule class. The servlet context must be set for the rule to render its own JSP files. The
method is invoked automatically when the rule module is installed and resolved in Liferay. Make sure theosgi.web.symbolicname
in thetarget
property of the@Reference
annotation is set to the same value as theBundle-SymbolicName
defined in thebnd.bnd
file of the module.
Next, you’ll learn how to evaluate a rule that is configured and saved to a user segment.
Evaluating a Rule
Imagine an administrator has successfully configured and saved your custom rule to his or her user segment. Now what? Your rule needs to fulfill its purpose, which is to evaluate the preset weather value compared to a user’s weather value visiting the site. If the user’s value matches the preset value (along with the segment’s other rules), that user is added to the user segment.
You must implement the
rule to begin the evaluation process. This method is part of the user segmentation lifecycle. When a page is loaded, Liferay invokes theevaluate
method of the rule to determine if the current user belongs to the user segment. For the weather rule, add thisevaluate
method:@Override public boolean evaluate( HttpServletRequest request, RuleInstance ruleInstance, AnonymousUser anonymousUser) throws Exception { String userWeather = getUserWeather(anonymousUser); String weather = ruleInstance.getTypeSettings(); if (Validator.equals(userWeather, weather)) { return true; } return false; }
You acquire the user’s weather by calling the
method, which you’ll define later. Then you get the preset weather value by accessing the rule instance’stypeSettings
parameter. Finally, you compare the two values. If they match, returntrue
; otherwise returnfalse
. Remember that users are only added to User Segments when all the Rules in the User Segment return true. -
Next, you need to retrieve the user’s weather. As you learned earlier, you must access the user’s location first. Add the logic below to do this.
protected String getCityFromUserProfile(long contactId, long companyId) throws PortalException, SystemException { List<Address> addresses = AddressLocalServiceUtil.getAddresses(companyId, Contact.class.getName(), contactId); if (addresses.isEmpty()) { return null; } Address address = addresses.get(0); return address.getCity() + StringPool.COMMA + address.getCountry().getA2(); }
This method retrieves the location by accessing the user’s profile information. You could also have used a geo-location service to find this by the user’s IP address. Once you have the user’s location, you can find the current weather for that location.
Add the following method to retrieve a user’s weather forecast.
protected String getUserWeather(AnonymousUser anonymousUser) throws PortalException, SystemException { User user = anonymousUser.getUser(); String city = getCityFromUserProfile(user.getContactId(), user.getCompanyId()); Http.Options options = new Http.Options(); String location = HttpUtil.addParameter(API_URL, "q", city); location = HttpUtil.addParameter(location, "format", "json"); options.setLocation(location); int weatherCode = 0; try { String text = HttpUtil.URLtoString(options); JSONObject jsonObject = JSONFactoryUtil.createJSONObject(text); weatherCode = jsonObject.getJSONArray("weather").getJSONObject(0).getInt("id"); } catch (Exception e) { _log.error(e); } return getWeatherFromCode(weatherCode); } private static Log _log = LogFactoryUtil.getLog(WeatherRule.class);
This method calls the
method to acquire the user’s location. Then it retrieves the weather code for that location from a weather service. -
Set the
field to the Open Weather Map’s API URL:private static final String API_URL = "";
For the weather rule, you can access Open Weather Map’s APIs to retrieve the weather code.
The last thing is to convert the weather code to a string you can evaluate (e.g.,
). Add the following method to convert Open Weather Map’s weather codes:protected String getWeatherFromCode(int code) { if (code == 800 || code == 801) { return "sunny"; } else if (code > 801 && code < 805) { return "clouds"; } else if (code >= 600 && code < 622) { return "snow"; } else if (code >= 500 && code < 532) { return "rain"; } return null; }
All possible weather codes are here.
Excellent! You’ve implemented the evaluate
method and added the necessary
logic in your -Rule
class to acquire a user’s local weather. The weather
rule’s behavior is defined and complete. The last thing you need to do is create
a JSP template.
Defining the Rule’s UI
The Java code you’ve added to this point has assumed that a preset weather value
is available for comparing during the evaluation process. To let administrators
set that value, you must define a UI so your rule can be configured during the
view/save lifecycle. Create a view.jsp
file in your rule’s module (e.g.,
) and add the following logic:
Map<String, Object> context = (Map<String, Object>)request.getAttribute("context");
String weather = (String)context.get("weather");
<aui:select name="weather" value="<%= weather %>">
<aui:option label="sunny" value="sunny" />
<aui:option label="clouds" value="clouds" />
<aui:option label="snow" value="snow" />
<aui:option label="rain" value="rain" />
The weather
variable in the context
map should be set for the weather rule.
When the user selects an option, it’s passed from the view template to the
Figure 4: The weather rule uses a `select` drop-down box to set the weather value.
Congratulations! You’ve created the weather rule and can now target users based on their weather conditions. You can view the finished version of the weather rule by downloading its ZIP file.
Now you’ve created and examined a fully functional rule and have the knowledge to create your own.