OSGi and Modularity for Liferay Portal 6 Developers

To create a powerful, reliable platform for developing modular applications, Liferay sought best-of-breed standards-based frameworks and technologies. It was imperative not only to meet demands for enterprise digital experiences but also to offer developers, both experienced with Liferay and new to Liferay, a clear and elegant way to create apps.

Here were some of the key goals:

  • Allow breaking down a large system into smaller pieces of code, whose boundaries and relationships could be clearly defined.

  • Explicitly differentiate public APIs from private APIs.

  • Facilitate extensibility of existing code.

  • Modernize the development environment, leveraging more state-of-the-art tools to provide a great developer experience.

It wasn’t long before Liferay discovered that OSGi and its supporting tools/technologies fit the bill!

Before setting up your tools and upgrading your plugins, you’ll learn how Liferay DXP 7.1 uses OSGi to meet the objectives listed above. And equally important, you’ll discover how easy and fun modular development can be.

« Benefits of 7.1 for Liferay Portal 6 DevelopersModules as an Improvement over Traditional Plugins »
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