Developing Your First Portlet
Step 6 of 8
The form for creating guestbook entries has two fields: one for the name of the person submitting the entry and one for the entry itself.
Add the following tags to the end of your edit_entry.jsp
<aui:form action="<%= addEntryURL %>" name="<portlet:namespace />fm">
<aui:input name="name"></aui:input>
<aui:input name="message"></aui:input>
<aui:button type="submit"></aui:button>
<aui:button type="cancel" onClick="<%= viewURL.toString() %>"></aui:button>
Save edit_entry.jsp
and redeploy your application. If you refresh the page and
click the Add Entry button, your form appears. If you click the Cancel
button, you go back to view.jsp
, but don’t try the Save button yet. You
haven’t yet created the action that saves a guestbook entry, so clicking Save
produces an error.
Figure 1: This is the Guestbook application's form for adding entries.
Implementing the portlet action (what happens when the user clicks Save) is your next task.