Defining Portlets in a Sitemap

You can embed portlets in a sitemap for the pages you define. You can embed them with the default settings or provide portlet preferences for a more custom look and feel. This tutorial covers both these options.

Follow these steps:

  1. Note the portlet’s ID. This is the attribute of the portlet spec. For convenience, The IDs for portlets available out-of-the-box are listed in the Fully Qualified Portlet IDs reference guide. For custom portlets, this property is listed in the portlet class as the service property.

  2. List the portlet ID in the column of the layout you want to display the portlet on. An example configuration is shown below:

        "layoutTemplateId": "2_columns_ii",
        "publicPages": [
                "columns": [
                            "portletId": "com_liferay_login_web_portlet_LoginPortlet"
                            "portletId": "com_liferay_hello_world_web_portlet_HelloWorldPortlet"
                "friendlyURL": "/home",
                "nameMap": {
                    "en_US": "Welcome",
                    "fr_FR": "Bienvenue"
                "title": "Welcome"

    This approach embeds the portlet with its default settings. To customize the portlet, you must configure the portlet’s preferences, as described in the next step.

  3. Optionally specify portlet preferences for a portlet with the portletPreferences key. Below is an example for the Web Content Display portlet:

        "portletId": "com_liferay_journal_content_web_portlet_JournalContentPortlet",
        "portletPreferences": {
            "articleId": "Custom Title.xml",
            "groupId": "${groupId}",
            "portletSetupPortletDecoratorId": "decorate",
            "portletSetupTitle_en_US": "Web Content Display with Custom Title",
            "portletSetupUseCustomTitle": "true"

    portletSetupPortletDecoratorId: Specifies the portlet decorator to use for the portlet (borderless || barebone || decorate). See the Applying Portlet Decorators to Embedded Portlets tutorial for more info.

Portlet preferences are unique to each portlet, so first you must determine which preferences you want to configure. There are two ways to determine the proper key/value pair for a portlet preference. The first is to set the portlet preference manually, and then check the values in the portletPreferences.preferences column of the database as a hint for what to configure in your sitemap.json. For example, you can configure the Asset Publisher to display assets that match the specified asset tags, using the following configuration:

"queryName0": "assetTags",
"queryValues0": "MyAssetTagName"

Another approach is to search each app in your bundle for the keyword preferences--. This returns some of the app’s JSPs that have the portlet preferences defined for the portlet.

Preparing and Organizing Web Content for the Resources Importer

Defining Pages in a Sitemap

Specifying Where to Import Your Theme’s Resources

« Defining Pages in a SitemapRetrieving Portlet IDs with the Gogo Shell »
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