Defining Assets for the Resources Importer

The sitemap.json file defines the pages of the site or site template to import—along with the layout templates, portlets, and portlet preferences of these pages. You may also want to provide details about the assets you include with the theme. An assets.json file lets you provide this information. Create the assets.json in your theme’s [theme-name]/src/WEB-INF/src/resources-importer folder.

Tags can be applied to any asset. Abstract summaries and small images can be applied to web content articles. For example, the following assets.json file specifies two tags for the company_logo.png image, one tag for the Custom Title.xml web content article, and an abstract summary and small image for the Child Web Content 1.json article structure:

    "assets": [
            "name": "company_logo.png",
            "tags": [
            "name": "Custom Title.xml",
            "tags": [
                "web content"
            "abstractSummary": "This is an abstract summary.",
            "name": "Child Web Content 1.json",
            "smallImage": "company_logo.png"

Now you know how to configure assets for your web content!

Preparing and Organizing Web Content for the Resources Importer

Creating a Sitemap for the Resources Importer

Specifying Where to Import Your Theme’s Resources

« Retrieving Portlet IDs with the Gogo ShellSpecifying Where to Import Your Theme's Resources »
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