Making Applications Configurable

A configurable application allows a user with appropriate permissions to change certain aspects of the application, within bounds set by the developer. Liferay’s configuration framework simplifies the task by auto-generating a UI if you define the configuration options in a Java interface. This way, you don’t have to create your own application configuration framework.

Complete these three high level tasks to integrate your application with the configuration framework:

  1. Provide a way to set configurations in the user interface.

  2. Set the scope at which the application can be configured.

  3. Read configuration values in your business logic.

This tutorial demonstrates both adding your application’s configuration form to the System Settings application in the Control Panel and categorizing the configuration. Subsequent tutorials show you how to

  1. Set the scope of the configuration. Read more about configuration scope here.

  2. Read configuration values from various contexts.

You don’t need much prior knowledge to use the configuration API, but understanding a few key concepts is useful before diving into the code.

Typed Configuration
The method described here uses typed configuration. The application configuration isn’t just a list of key-value pairs. Values can have types, like Integer, a list of Strings, a URL, etc. You can even use your own types, although that’s beyond the scope of this tutorial. Typed configurations are easier to use than untyped configurations, and they prevent many programmatic errors. Configuration options should be programmatically explicit, so developers can use autocomplete in modern IDEs to find out all configuration options of a given application or one of its components.
Modern applications are modular and built as a collection of lightweight components.
Configuration Scope
If your application must support different configurations at different scopes, the APIs described below handle most of the burden for you. You should still understand the term configuration scope even if you don’t plan to scope the application’s configuration. Here are the most common configuration scopes:
  • System configurations are unique for the complete installation of the application.

  • Virtual Instance configurations can vary per virtual instance.

  • Site configuration can vary per site.

  • Portlet Instance configurations apply to a single application placed on a page (i.e., portlets). Each placement (instance) of the application on the page can have a different configuration.

Enough with the conceptual stuff. You’re ready to get started with some code. If you already had a portlet or service that was configurable using the traditional mechanisms of Liferay Portal 6.2 and before, refer to the Transitioning from Portlet Preferences to the Configuration API tutorial.

Creating A Configuration Interface

First, you’ll learn how to create a configuration at the system scope.

  1. Create a Java interface to represent the configuration and its default values. Using a Java interface allows for an advanced type system for each configuration option. Here is the configuration interface for the Liferay Forms application:

        id = "",
        localization = "content/Language", name = "ddm-form-web-configuration-name"
    public interface DDMFormWebConfiguration {
            deflt = "1", description = "autosave-interval-description",
            name = "autosave-interval-name", required = false
        public int autosaveInterval();
            deflt = "descriptive", name = "default-display-view",
            optionLabels = {"Descriptive", "List"},
            optionValues = {"descriptive", "list"}, required = false
        public String defaultDisplayView();

    It defines two configuration options, the autosave interval (with a default of one minute) and the default display view, which can be descriptive or list, but defaults to descriptive. Here’s what the two Java annotations in the above snippet do:

    1. Meta.OCD: Registers this class as a configuration with a specific id. The ID must be the fully qualified configuration class name.

    2. Meta.AD: Specifies optional metadata about the field, such as whether it’s a required field or if it has a default value. Note that if you set a field as required and don’t specify a default value, the system administrator must specify a value in order for your application to work properly. Use the deflt property to specify a default value.

    The fully-qualified name of the Meta class above is aQute.bnd.annotation.metatype.Meta. For more information about this class and the Meta.OCD and Meta.AD annotations, please refer to the bndtools documentation.

    The cool thing about configuration interfaces is that once you have one, you also have an auto-generated UI!

  2. To use the Meta.OCD and Meta.AD annotations in your modules, you must specify a dependency on the bnd library. We recommend using bnd version 3. Here’s an example of how to include this dependency in a Gradle project:

    dependencies {
        compile group: "biz.aQute.bnd", name: "biz.aQute.bndlib", version: "3.1.0"
  3. Add the following line to your project’s bnd.bnd file:

    -metatype: *

    This line lets bnd use your configuration interface to generate an XML configuration file. This provides a lot of information about your application’s configuration options. Enough, in fact, to generate a System Settings user interface automatically.

Just by registering a configuration interface, you get a fully capable UI form auto-generated in the System Settings application. By default, configurations are placed in Platform → Third Party. Make it easier to find for your application’s users by categorizing the configuration somewhere logical. The next tutorial show you how to do that.

« Introduction to Configurable ApplicationsCategorizing the Configuration »
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